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Snapped Easy Out
T66 - 3/8/15 at 09:48 PM

Blackbird head with partially snapped plug end still in the threads, and now to wee me off some more a snapped easy out.

Access is grim at best, and I now accept the head comes off for some machine work. Will a mill be able to chew the easy out away, will a spark eroder be able to operate with the alloy head.

Next question is there anyone Tyneside area we know who can remedy my head.


Neilwilson - 3/8/15 at 10:07 PM

Crap luck mate, nothing is straight forward at times.
Try Northumbria Engineering in blyth - chap called Andrew. Used them loads before for spark eroding, when I worked in my last job I actually bought their eroding equipment for them!
If they can't help out another source could be a company called formagrind - they are down near Wales but their owner Mike is always willing to help out with these types of jobs.

T66 - 4/8/15 at 05:42 AM

I was quite cool with the amount of plug left down the pot, could of been worse with a bigger chunk of plug etc, your right there's nothing straightforward....

Good shout I'm about 5 miles from Blyth......need to have a chat with him first before starting "another" job.

Cheers Neil.

[Edited on 4/8/15 by T66]

britishtrident - 4/8/15 at 06:58 AM

Nasty thing to deal with good luck with it.

We should all take note it really is a good idea to run a chaser tap down the plug holes every now a then.
Also on engines with tapered seat plugs on which snapped plugs are quite a common problem using some stainless steel-graphite anti-seize compound helps.

T66 - 4/8/15 at 07:38 AM

Leaving the plugs battened down and sat for a while is recipe for problems. Agreed

I am wondering whether there will be anything special about my head, otherwise I might just buy another one.

dave_424 - 4/8/15 at 11:29 AM

With the head off I'm sure you could use a punch and hammer to drive the easy out back out of the plug hole from the combustion chamber side.

MikeRJ - 4/8/15 at 12:29 PM

That is crap luck, but hopefully other people will learn a lesson about not using easyouts on badly seized fasteners.

I agree with Dave, once the head is off you may well be able to get the easyout out yourself. Once this is done, it may be possible to weld a suitable steel bar to the remains of the plug from the combustion chamber side. The heat will work wonders for freeing it off and you then have something strong enough to heave on.

T66 - 4/8/15 at 03:13 PM

This job was always going to be a lot of essential work, only to get me back to where I was. Been reading the bb book preparing. I will be having a gentle prod from the inside once the heads off.

Little bars tad.....

Cheers for the replies.,

T66 - 4/8/15 at 06:16 PM

Anyone have a wurth insert kit for sale or short term borrow ? M10 x 1.00

Only need it for one insert on the head......beg grovel.

My credit is good, and I'm not a twat who won't return it. Scoots will vouch for me....