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Windows 7 Beta
Jubal - 12/1/09 at 04:30 PM

Windows 7 Beta

In case anyone is wondering about having a go with it I thought I'd mention I've been running this for a couple of days on a very lowly specced Dell X1 ultraportable (1.25Gb, 1.1Ghz Centrino, 1.8" HDD). It runs at least as fast as XP and much better than Vista did on the same device. IE8 has been buggy but I use Chrome anyway.

I'm not sure what's to get excited about as it's just a new windows but as an experiment it's proved successful. The best thing about it is driver support, even though the Dell X1 is fairly old it recognised the ethernet straight off, got me online to windows update and downloaded all the required drivers for sound, video, wireless etc automatically. The only thing it missed was the touchpad which was working but not with full features. The vista driver I manually downloaded for it worked fine.

It networked straight in to my setup at home and has some nifty new features for networking/sharing if all your PCs are Windows 7. I like it.

Tim 45 - 12/1/09 at 05:31 PM

What do you think of the really pointless desktop background slideshow feature?

But yeah, echoing Jubal, it really isn't too bad for a beta edition - will probably be a reet good OS when its released!

yellow melos - 12/1/09 at 05:36 PM

Speed is vastly improved over vista, running in a VM window with one core of mu processor and 1.5gb ram.

gonna put on a proper machine and run it live in the next few days.

britishtrident - 12/1/09 at 05:51 PM

Somebody at Microsoft can't count

Not counting the Windows NT branded products and Windows 2000

Windows 2 (Windows 286 & Windows 386)
Windows 3 & and 3.1 &WFWG)
Windows 95
Windows 98 & Win98se
Windows Me
Xp -- various
Vista --- Various

mcerd1 - 12/1/09 at 06:08 PM

XP and 2K are both NT5

vista is NT6

so its really NT7 (or will be - according to my brother at least)
even though the beta is actually still NT 6.1.7000 (just confuse you )

[Edited on 12/1/09 by mcerd1]

Dusty - 12/1/09 at 08:30 PM

Wonder if Caterham are going to be unhappy with another 7 on the market. I doubt if they will sue for copyright infringement. Might be financially out-gunned a little.

McLannahan - 12/1/09 at 10:04 PM

What are you Windows 7 guys running for AV?

Have tried AVG without success!

Jubal - 12/1/09 at 10:25 PM

Originally posted by McLannahan
What are you Windows 7 guys running for AV?

Have tried AVG without success!

AVG 8 working a treat here. Installed without the linkscanner component.

McLannahan - 12/1/09 at 10:45 PM

Thanks Derek - Will give it a roll back and try again.

[Edited on 12/1/09 by McLannahan]

Didn't like my configuration choices I guess! Left the default options alone this time and let it install all available options and all's happy! AVG In Sec installed and running.

Liking 7 a lot so far - some really nice touches and a lot quicker for me (Intel C2D 2.2 Ghz, 4 Gig RAM)


[Edited on 12/1/09 by McLannahan]