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download speed
liam.mccaffrey - 27/7/05 at 12:43 PM

just downloading unbunto iso and look at this transfer rate this is consistent its not a blip

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i only have 512K broadbeans, have bt made a mistake??

mookaloid - 27/7/05 at 12:56 PM

That's nearly as good as my 2 Meg BB!!


nicksertis - 27/7/05 at 12:58 PM

Could be that your connection/local-exchange has been upgraded?

Try this speed test to get a better picture:


Hopefully you've been upgraded for free!


[Edited on 27/7/05 by nicksertis]

ned - 27/7/05 at 01:27 PM

Rescued attachment ubuntudownload.jpg
Rescued attachment ubuntudownload.jpg

Peteff - 27/7/05 at 01:28 PM

BT upgraded everyone on their connection to 2 meg didn't they? They did my wifes' friend last month and she's not stopped bragging yet .

Dillinger1977 - 27/7/05 at 01:40 PM

yep they upgraded everyone UP TO 2mb for free - or the maximum you can get up to 2mb.

unfortunately my area can only get 1mb max so thats what ive got now.

pbura - 27/7/05 at 02:38 PM

I have two computers networked, one having the DSL modem. If I initiate the connection with the second computer, the connection is rated at 8Mbps! It's normally 1.5Mbps. The modem is a bottleneck, though, would have to buy a faster one to see if this is for real.

Deckman001 - 27/7/05 at 04:22 PM

1106.3 Kbps - You 1106.3 kbps

This any good, am expecting to get 8Mg conection on Friday ??


Deckman001 - 30/7/05 at 01:01 PM

Try this site also


Gav - 30/7/05 at 01:13 PM

ive got bulldog and thats 8mb
shame about the muppets on the customer support desk, when you can evan get through to them that is

Ben Graber - 30/7/05 at 01:34 PM

Why is my upstream so slow compared to my downstream? I am connecting at 2.2mbps Rescued attachment speed.JPG
Rescued attachment speed.JPG

Deckman001 - 30/7/05 at 03:45 PM

I've just got the upgrade, sadly it's only showing at 1.7Mg will see what they can do
