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Preparing GRP panels for painting
Steelman - 11/3/09 at 08:24 AM

After dewaxing and flatting off with wet & dry, which type of primer should I use - Etching or normal

Mr Whippy - 11/3/09 at 08:29 AM

use a good quality etch primer and don't flatten the GRP suface too much, 400 grade is as fine as you really want to go as the primer will have a better key

ordinary primer will come off in sheets

Paul TigerB6 - 11/3/09 at 09:08 AM

As above, etc primer on a keyed surface worked for me.

Halfords actually sell "Plastic primer" in cans which is advertised for use on fibreglass as well as plastic. Has anyone tried this??

Mr Whippy - 11/3/09 at 09:24 AM

yeah the halfords one works fine, I primered the falcons wings in it and it showed no sighs of a bad bond. Use light dust coats at first, then build up the primer thickness and flatten it with 600 grade ready for the colour coats