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Some MNR infos needed
zekill - 1/5/10 at 02:10 PM

Hi all, I'm new here and don't speak a good english, i'm sorry for this.
I need some MNR infos, if anyone know.
- Can I purchase a MNR kit with left hand drive?
- Are there other tax than VAT for export to France?


daniel mason - 1/5/10 at 02:45 PM

look through the mnr section on here for swe . he has done a left hand drive mnr

zekill - 1/5/10 at 04:15 PM

Thanks, I see the MNR of swe, it's a good new for me

daniel mason - 1/5/10 at 04:16 PM

what engine are you going for?

zekill - 1/5/10 at 07:15 PM

car engine, I love (and have) 6L old bmw engine but don't know if it fit in MNR chassis.

daniel mason - 1/5/10 at 08:22 PM

check out my blog under all my posts. i am using honda s2000 f20c engine and gearbox and its very big, but will go in without too much trouble. i my blog you will see the car chassis with the extra wide tunnel for gearbox!

RK - 2/5/10 at 02:41 AM

si jamais tu as besoin d'un traducteur, je peux te donner un coup de main.

zekill - 2/5/10 at 06:09 AM

Daniel, I see your blog, The S2000 gearbox is very long
With Bmw, gearbox is small but the 6 inline is a long engine and must be fitted angled.

RK: c'est vraiment sympa de ta part, si jamais je ne comprend pas quelque chose je te fait signe

zekill - 11/5/10 at 11:37 AM

I have a very good contact with Chris.
I think go with the new BMW kit but after i need to sell my current track car and wait for a ratio £/€ better: at the moment is bad for buy in U.K

JoaoCaldeira - 11/5/10 at 04:59 PM

Talk with Chris. He will have the best answers,
I'm at the second LHD kit; in EU VAT is paid
* B2B: country of destiny
* B2C: country of origin


zekill - 11/5/10 at 05:12 PM

Originally posted by JoaoCaldeira
Talk with Chris. He will have the best answers,
I'm at the second LHD kit; in EU VAT is paid
* B2B: country of destiny
* B2C: country of origin


ok !
I'm in B2C so I paid U.K vat.
But the issue at this time is the £/€ ratio.
You peak yours kits in U.K or use a carrier ?

JoaoCaldeira - 12/5/10 at 01:00 PM

I have done both
The first kit was collected locally, the second sent by courier. If you use the second option, don't let the driver leave without inspecting your goods!!! (My bodywork was badly damaged, but the driver took off as was in a hurry )

€ / £ is getting worse by the day, and will continue for a bit more time, but it is at a VERY good rate, considering past history