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R1 emissions and IVA
Markyb13 - 11/3/13 at 08:26 PM

Hi all

Just a quick question for reassurance more than anything.

What rpm are they likely to test the fast idle emissions at on my r1 engine. I'm sure I read some where that it would be tested at 3/4 of the rpm that the max power is produced, I put 9500 rpm on my form. After taking it so my local garage and getting the emissions right to pass all the readings between 7000-7500 rpm and nearly melting the side of my car in the process, have since read quite a few threads where it would appear people have had theirs tested a the normal 2500-3000 rpm !! Just thinking if I need to go back down there again and set it up for the lower range and go through it all again

Davg - 11/3/13 at 08:42 PM

Sorry Marky your thoughts are right! Confirmed tested as yo say between 2500-3000.
Cheers D

sdh2903 - 11/3/13 at 09:00 PM

It's the noise level that's tested at 3/4 of the max power revs. As Dave says fast idle done at 2500 ish.

Markyb13 - 11/3/13 at 09:08 PM

Thanks for the quick reply D

Wish I'd double check these forums earlier!!!!!!!!!!!!
Oh we'll looks like I'm hiring another trailer and giving the local mot tester another drink to use his equipment.

At least I've found out now and not on the test when the tester says give me 2500-3000 rpm and I can't do anything about it other than sit there and pull out what little hair I have left.