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harrogate to portugal drive
marc n - 19/10/06 at 07:36 AM

just had word that joao from this forum has received his car safe and sound in lisbon at 8pm last night

his friend also called joao flew over on saturday night and stayed at my house saturday and sunday evening and after the alcohol levels subsided went for a test run on sunday having never driven a bike engined car before before setting off for lisbon

he left here on monday morning at 10 am got to porstmouth at 4-30 after a couple of stops during heavy traffic ( only used Ģ45 of fuel at 70mph ) set sail at 8 pm ferry crossing took 1 and a half days across sea then drove 900 km through spain and reached portugal last night at 8pm safe and sound

the ironic thing is the weather here was great when he left and as soon as he reached spain and portugal it threw it down and had heavy winds causing him to stop for two hours

all looks good for the potential mnr owners trip to portugal next year stopping at estoril circuit for some fun

please register your interest here for a possible week / week and a half holiday next year in your car we will try and take in a couple of circuits along the way but will definately go to estoril, i will of course not be driving my car across as i will be support vehicle in the truck with spares etc although i will take my car for the track days

also like to guage interest in some dedicated mnr track days where i can give you all some tuition and advice on how to set the car up and reduce those laptimes, to raelly get the best from your cars although there are not too many members registered on here i will update all non locost builders members interested on here to give an idea of the numbers
if we get half of the completed cars to come along we should get at least 20 as of today but many more are in the final throws of completion

best regards


Jon Ison - 19/10/06 at 07:44 AM

Sounds great, shame I own a locost.

nick205 - 19/10/06 at 07:53 AM

Top effort on Joao's part I reckon

Marc - will the trip be limited to MNR owners only? I'd be interested, but you'd have to live with an Indy in your pack

Dillinger1977 - 19/10/06 at 08:01 AM

i'd definately be up for both of them Marc (estoril + track days).

theres no way i'd attempt a euro trip on my own but with an engineer in tow how could I say no.

any rough idea of a date? it'll spur me on to get this thing registered

(edit) nearly forgot, Grats on Joao getting his car and Joao(2) getting it over there!
he must be insane to do that!

[Edited on 19/10/06 by Dillinger1977]

smart51 - 19/10/06 at 08:09 AM

He drove it to Portugal? Madness.

I'd be interested in the trackdays. Not sure about the touring. Maybe.

marc n - 19/10/06 at 08:11 AM


he must be insane to do that!

its got to help

or it could be all the beer we consumed over the weekend

ref other types of cars coming on the trip, its up to our owners if they mind really

the essence is to offer our owners the same sort of experiances as the westfield clubs do but in a more personal way

Howlor - 19/10/06 at 08:12 AM

Suprised he aint suffering from Vibration White Arse after that distance!

marc n - 19/10/06 at 08:13 AM

maybe if we open it up to other cars we could have a gumball type event

marc n - 19/10/06 at 08:13 AM


Suprised he aint suffering from Vibration White Arse after that distance!

he had an old workshop lying down mat to combat that

Howlor - 19/10/06 at 08:53 AM

Originally posted by marc n
maybe if we open it up to other cars we could have a gumball type event

How about last one to Estoril is a big girls blouse?!

Jon Ison - 19/10/06 at 09:11 AM

Marc, the last time I did a European trip, mostly BECS btw, we had too keep stopping for the support van too catch up, fortunately he wasn't needed other than carrying tents food n Beer.......

what van you got ?

TimC - 19/10/06 at 09:31 AM

First Class effort that!

As for the Estoril trip and the trackdays, as soon as the machine is built, I'd definately be up for those.

European trip would have to be on a trailer though since the car's not being road registered.

marc n - 19/10/06 at 10:20 AM


what van you got ?

daf 45 truck although similar trucks have been known to cruise at 80mph with a trailer on so ive heard

chockymonster - 19/10/06 at 10:25 AM

Week long trip to portugal with track driving?
Erm, Yes please!

Vortx track days with tuition?
Erm, where do I sign?

Any chance of a copy of the SVA map for the Power Commander?

[Edited on 19/10/06 by chockymonster]

chockymonster - 19/10/06 at 10:30 AM

Originally posted by marc n
ref other types of cars coming on the trip, its up to our owners if they mind really

the essence is to offer our owners the same sort of experiances as the westfield clubs do but in a more personal way

I've done many an Owners club only trackday, Usualy what happened was positions are given to owners as priority and then any left after a deadline the places are opened to the "public"

G.Man - 19/10/06 at 10:42 AM

Am I reading this right..

MNR factory built Joao's car, and his friend picked it up and drove it back to Portugal?

Wow, impressive

TimC - 19/10/06 at 11:17 AM

Originally posted by G.Man
Am I reading this right..

MNR factory built Joao's car, and his friend picked it up and drove it back to Portugal?

Wow, impressive

I think the story's better than that.

I think that's what happened..... apologies if I'm wrong!

marc n - 19/10/06 at 11:56 AM

yep car came back to us 90% complete ( unfortunately joao ran out of time to his wife expecting twins ) so both joaos spent two days at the workshop finishing off as many bits as possible then flew home we completed and svad then other joao flew over and drove back

best regards


[Edited on 19/10/06 by marc n]

Winston Todge - 19/10/06 at 12:02 PM

I was waiting for a thread like this to come along!

Top effort Marc. Would very definitely be up for this trip. And I should have the car finished by then....

Jerez really isn't a long drive away too, maybe taking in the east coast of Spain through the South and upto Jerez then into Portugal? The roads upto Rhonda and the like are simply astounding. No straights longer than 500 metres...

Would truly be a trip for all to experience knowing there's a support truck too!

Sign me up, especially to the UK based track days also.

Just gotta get the thing finished now!


amalyos - 19/10/06 at 02:39 PM

Count me in for both, although you might need a fuel tanker rather than your van.


chockymonster - 19/10/06 at 02:50 PM

Originally posted by amalyos
Count me in for both, although you might need a fuel tanker rather than your van.


Will we keep having to stop for Ian?

numnuts - 19/10/06 at 03:13 PM

I could well be interested in both track and touring . Dion

Jonte - 19/10/06 at 06:50 PM

I donīt get this.
Is it possible for them without any problems to import an british svaīd car to portugal and drive it there. Donīt they have anything like SVA in portugal?

chockymonster - 19/10/06 at 07:06 PM

It's very easy to register a car that's been registered somewhere else in the EU than it is to register a newly built car.
Apparantly it's easier to register it in the UK than somewhere else.

yorkshire-engines - 19/10/06 at 07:13 PM

must have been one hell of a R1 engine wonder who supplied it could have been that good looking lad from up yorkshire way

well done is all i can say i drive from leyburn to hull and get a bloody ticket 46 in a 40 sh#t

Agriv8 - 19/10/06 at 08:05 PM

Originally posted by chockymonster
Originally posted by amalyos
Count me in for both, although you might need a fuel tanker rather than your van.


Will we keep having to stop for Ian?

oi ya bugger Ill get you for that. stopping for Ian actually its Iain

So ja pick on a poor defencles MNR owner ( just got back from the big smoke i.e. Olimpia - unfortunatly not the snow board show !!!!!!) feeling sorry for myself

and ps I recon I can get enough of a gap up for my regular fuel stops.

( its keeping up with Mr MNR in the truck that worries me )

count me in SWMBO & saving up enough fuel tokens and/or beer tolkens. And PS sombody had better go with a relibale car to keep all those hair dryers on the road.

Light blue touch paper and return to a safe distance

PPS Joke - let skeep it to gentle P*SS taking please .



scoey m - 19/10/06 at 08:08 PM

I'd defo be up for the uk tacking if i ever get finished sounds fantastic

chockymonster - 19/10/06 at 09:37 PM

Originally posted by Agriv8
count me in SWMBO & saving up enough fuel tokens and/or beer tolkens. And PS sombody had better go with a relibale car to keep all those hair dryers on the road.

Light blue touch paper and return to a safe distance

PPS Joke - let skeep it to gentle P*SS taking please .



I've told swmbo we're going.
As for the reliable car, I take it KrisMC is going then :p

TimC - 20/10/06 at 05:26 AM

Thinking about it, it's a good job that mine'd be trailered - you should see the size of the weeny tank I've opted for!!

I'd need to develop some sort of 'in flight' refueling otherwise by the time I got to Portugal you'd all be on your way back

Anyway, when's the trip?

Dillinger1977 - 20/10/06 at 07:36 AM

Originally posted by Agriv8
And PS sombody had better go with a relibale car to keep all those hair dryers on the road.

ouch! ..swine..

speaking of hair dryers, my missus is dead keen on the idea but the first thing she said was 'oh if theres a truck that means I can take more stuff'...

so you might find the 'support' vehicle ends up full of 'other halfs' hair dryers and clothes.....

marc n - 20/10/06 at 07:45 AM


speaking of hair dryers, my missus is dead keen on the idea but the first thing she said was 'oh if theres a truck that means I can take more stuff'...

shes right imagine all the beer we can fit in on the return journey

roadboy - 20/10/06 at 08:12 AM

Unlikely to have time for Portugal trip but Dan & myself will definitely up for the trackdays. Bring it on.

[Edited on 20/10/06 by roadboy]

chockymonster - 20/10/06 at 08:17 AM

Originally posted by Dillinger1977
speaking of hair dryers, my missus is dead keen on the idea but the first thing she said was 'oh if theres a truck that means I can take more stuff'...

so you might find the 'support' vehicle ends up full of 'other halfs' hair dryers and clothes.....

Mine made a comment about fibreglass seats and long distance journeys.

Agriv8 - 20/10/06 at 09:18 AM

forget the clothes

Shoes 1 week holiday requires 9 pairs of shoes ( i dont think i own 9 pairs of shoes )



Dillinger1977 - 20/10/06 at 09:26 AM

Originally posted by chockymonster
Mine made a comment about fibreglass seats and long distance journeys.

Originally posted by marc n

speaking of hair dryers, my missus is dead keen on the idea but the first thing she said was 'oh if theres a truck that means I can take more stuff'...

shes right imagine all the beer we can fit in on the return journey

ahaaa the real reason for the trip emerges!

[Edited on 20/10/06 by Dillinger1977]

chockymonster - 20/10/06 at 11:04 AM

Can we drive back through germany and stop off somewhere near nurburg

Daft Lad Picko - 20/10/06 at 11:12 AM


Count me in for all. This is obviously on 2 conditions: I get the feckin' thing finished then registered and that I can evade capture by the rozzers after robbing a bank for the funds.

marc laptop - 20/10/06 at 07:49 PM


must have been one hell of a R1 engine wonder who supplied it could have been that good looking lad from up yorkshire way

credit where credits due the engine is a minter just like everyone we have had through malc although i havent met the good looking lad maybe thats his assistant he keeps at his workshop

marc n - 21/10/06 at 03:21 PM

well it seems there is plenty of interest in the trip to portugal / trackdays and a proper owners club which is fantastic

one of our customers who came this morning has expressed that he would like to setup a mnr championship of some sort most likely to include sprints etc with us providing some decent prizes so i would like to check interest in this idea too

i feel that this side of mnr is very important as i have been very lucky to meet a lot of great prople who have become customers and freinds
and im sure like minded petrol heads should gather more often to share in the fun and experiance of owning/ building the cars and most importantly using them

for this reason i am happy to support the owners club and race ideas as much as humanly possible ( bearing in mind how busy we are ) by providing web space clothing, prizes and events and im open to any ideas of group events etc ( as long as i dont have to drive the truck all the time )

As many of you will know im getting itchy feet and desperate to go racing next year and have already built both my racecars a rgb seven and a lmp bikesports plus we may also do some other series where the cars are eligible

we also have 5 - 10 customers who will be competing next year possibly more with the advent of a mnr type series, we would like to involve our customers as much as possible in our exploits so will be giving away tickets to come and spend a weekend watching the racing and being part of our team maybe even inspiring some of you to give the racing a go

these are all ideas im bouncing off you guys to see which direction you would like to see this going in as it is your club so you should decide

best regards


rjbrookes - 21/10/06 at 06:39 PM

just seen this been away for nearly two weeks.....without internet.....and italy again tomorrow all week....bugger!!!!

Count me in on all accounts....especially the track days.....


[Edited on 21/10/06 by rjbrookes]

jcduroc - 22/10/06 at 10:48 PM

Originally posted by TimC
Originally posted by G.Man
Am I reading this right..

MNR factory built Joao's car, and his friend picked it up and drove it back to Portugal?

Wow, impressive

I think the story's better than that.

I think that's what happened..... apologies if I'm wrong!

That was exactly like that.

João Matoso (The ... driver)

jcduroc - 22/10/06 at 10:51 PM

Originally posted by Jonte
I donīt get this.
Is it possible for them without any problems to import an british svaīd car to portugal and drive it there. Donīt they have anything like SVA in portugal?

No, unfortunetly we do not.
What we are doing is importing a second hand UK immatriculated car as if it were a, say, a Ford.

João Matoso

Winston Todge - 23/10/06 at 06:01 AM

Sounds like a great idea Marc!

I for one would be very up for the idea of seeing MNR compete in RGB and the like. I'd definitely like to see how competitive these VortXs are in comparison to the other manufacturers.

You say you've got the LMP car finished too Marc!? Pictures!! What engine did you use in the end?


tks - 23/10/06 at 07:33 AM

Originally posted by jcduroc
No, unfortunetly we do not.
What we are doing is importing a second hand UK immatriculated car as if it were a, say, a Ford.

João Matoso

a FORD?? You cant! a Ford has a european homologation! a MNR has a sva thats a national homologation.

European homologation is for every country and they cant regret it excepts its build different then stated on the building papers.

hope you can inform me about the trick you apply since iīm in the same boat!

in that way you can create an estoril opponent



chockymonster - 23/10/06 at 07:55 AM

Originally posted by tks
hope you can inform me about the trick you apply since iīm in the same boat!

They are importing a car that was registered in another european country. Once a car has been registered somewhere in europe it can be easily exported to another european country. So if you register it here you'd import it into spain as if it was any other car.

tks - 23/10/06 at 09:07 AM

But any other car has a EEG / CE homologation... and the SVA is a National homologation...

and a country has some rulez to be able to apeal any import wich isnīt EEG / CE homologation.. anyway the process is easyer then homologate it overhere to the standard of here..


JoaoCaldeira - 23/10/06 at 10:52 PM

An EU National Homologation is valid in any EU country due to an european directive.

JoaoCaldeira - 23/10/06 at 11:05 PM

You are getting just half of the fun that building and legalizing was.

. bought kit on the phone (never saw one in flesh, never drove one)
. March, 17, flew to UK with (pregnant) wife, bought a Mondeo near Manchester, bought a trailer near Stoke on Trent, drove to MNR
. met Marc and Chris
. collect kit
. drove back to Portugal
. build car (90% as Marc said)
. July, 25th, loaded the trailer and returned to UK with Joao Matoso.
. trailer went on eBay, Mondeo on Marc's hands, and VortX on finishing touches
. Me and Matoso... we got back on a motorcycle that I bought near Darley
. Missed the ferry to Santander, so I had to go to North France... and all the way down to Portugal
. MNR finished the car and SVAed it
. October, 14, Joao Matoso flew to Leeds, went to MNR, after never driving such a beast took off to Portsmouth, ferry to Bilbao (where he was treated as Schumacher ), and then to Lisbon (under HEAVY HEAVY rain and T-Storms).

Madness??? No way... pure absence of brain

The point is.. there is no point, just passion!

Defenetly it wouldn't be possible if there were no Marc or Chris, as they have been fabolous helping in everything.


Cheers to MNR.


PS: forgot to mention... not revealing his age, Matoso is old school... actually he is Before-School ... no... 57, actually

Winston Todge - 24/10/06 at 05:06 AM

Awesome story! You nutjob!

It certainly says something about the car to drive it back from Harrogate after SVA without any problems.

Good luck and enjoy the car,

You certainly sound mad enough to get the most from a nutty car!


tks - 24/10/06 at 05:17 AM

Jajajaja what a story i guess basicly every overseas client does this!!

i brought it via E-MAIL!!!!and never driven or seen one in reallife!

but i opted for transport to my location of the chasis by a transporter.

Can you give me that EEC directive??



[Edited on 24/10/06 by tks]

G.Man - 24/10/06 at 06:14 AM


The UK sva is EU recognised..

Thats why I was able to bring my car to cyprus..

Only problem was DVLA fecked up the paperwork

tks - 24/10/06 at 06:24 AM

Cyprus is ownen by england not??
Sow perhaps thats different.

anyway i hope its true because it wil mean the spanish goverment cant reject my import but i doupt it. Everyone says thats difficult!

Ask Alezz...Alez are ya there??


G.Man - 24/10/06 at 06:44 AM

Originally posted by tks
Cyprus is ownen by england not??



Don't come to Cyprus and say that..

Cyprus has been an independant state since 1960 mate...

The EU freedom of movement rules mean that any vehicle legal in one EU member state is also legal in any other member state...

Its nothing to do with whether they are a british colony or otherwise..

Now, that doesnt mean that if you SVA and register the car in one member state some sort of tax wont be levied when you "bring it home" as the vehicle must have been owned for 6 months in your previous member state to qualify as tax free..

Its identical to normal car importation rules..

Trust me TKS this is an area I am expert on.. having been thru all the regs with a fine tooth comb over the last 10 months..

[Edited on 24/10/06 by G.Man]

tks - 24/10/06 at 06:47 AM

oepsz sorry..

yesterday i talked to BOB and he said something about that.. he came with the idea for me to bring hte car to gibraltar??
but there isnīt a sva station there (obviously) i interpretended his words wrong..



NS Dev - 24/10/06 at 07:54 AM

Originally posted by JoaoCaldeira
You are getting just half of the fun that building and legalizing was.

. bought kit on the phone (never saw one in flesh, never drove one)
. March, 17, flew to UK with (pregnant) wife, bought a Mondeo near Manchester, bought a trailer near Stoke on Trent, drove to MNR
. met Marc and Chris
. collect kit
. drove back to Portugal
. build car (90% as Marc said)
. July, 25th, loaded the trailer and returned to UK with Joao Matoso.
. trailer went on eBay, Mondeo on Marc's hands, and VortX on finishing touches
. Me and Matoso... we got back on a motorcycle that I bought near Darley
. Missed the ferry to Santander, so I had to go to North France... and all the way down to Portugal
. MNR finished the car and SVAed it
. October, 14, Joao Matoso flew to Leeds, went to MNR, after never driving such a beast took off to Portsmouth, ferry to Bilbao (where he was treated as Schumacher ), and then to Lisbon (under HEAVY HEAVY rain and T-Storms).

Madness??? No way... pure absence of brain

The point is.. there is no point, just passion!

Defenetly it wouldn't be possible if there were no Marc or Chris, as they have been fabolous helping in everything.


Cheers to MNR.


PS: forgot to mention... not revealing his age, Matoso is old school... actually he is Before-School ... no... 57, actually

You are a complete nutcase!!!!

I have done some daft things in my life but that tops the lot!!!

Well done, glad you have it all sorted, that is the sort of spirit that is needed, think its called determination!!!!!!!

nice one!!!

chockymonster - 24/10/06 at 09:54 AM


In the politest possible English:

You sir are a nutter!


jcduroc - 26/10/06 at 11:27 PM

Originally posted by chockymonster

In the politest possible English:

You sir are a nutter!


Thanks Paul, I take that as a compliment.

João Matoso

Jonte - 27/10/06 at 09:09 AM

Originally posted by G.Man
The UK sva is EU recognised..

That doesnīt apply in sweden.
We canīt buy a amatuer built car in any other country and bring it here legally. Thereīs one exception, and that is if you live in for example U.K for a year and own that car for at least 12 months. After that you can drive it in sweden.

*Amateur built car is every car that isnīt built by a (as our goverment would say) real car manufactory. So a turn-key car from Ultima, Caterham or RH is classified as a amatuer built car

Gergely - 27/10/06 at 09:44 AM

Same thing I am planning to do. Buy kit in UK, get transport company to bring it to Hungary, build it, trailer it back to UK, SVA it and have it fully registered (not sure on whose name though as I imagine that you need utility bills in the UK and the rest to be able to insure the car...), once it is fully road legal, import it - trailer or drive - back to Hungary, where it would have to go through the Hungarian version of the MOT and get a licence plate...

That's theory, we'll see how it works in practice. As far as I know it has not been done by anyone yet in Hungary... I know of someone with a half built Fury who is not sure if he'll ever be able to drive it on the road...

I am confident that this theory works though...

As for Sweden I thought I heard that you have a sort of SVA in Sweden am I wrong?

Joaos, great story! Very similar to what I am planning! Great stuff!


TimC - 27/10/06 at 10:47 AM

Originally posted by Jonte

That doesnīt apply in sweden.
We canīt buy a amatuer built car in any other country and bring it here legally. Thereīs one exception, and that is if you live in for example U.K for a year and own that car for at least 12 months. After that you can drive it in sweden.

*Amateur built car is every car that isnīt built by a (as our goverment would say) real car manufactory. So a turn-key car from Ultima, Caterham or RH is classified as a amatuer built car

That must be the price you pay for having the most beautiful women in the world...

[Edited on 27/10/06 by TimC]

G.Man - 27/10/06 at 11:10 AM

Originally posted by Jonte
Originally posted by G.Man
The UK sva is EU recognised..

That doesnīt apply in sweden.
We canīt buy a amatuer built car in any other country and bring it here legally. Thereīs one exception, and that is if you live in for example U.K for a year and own that car for at least 12 months. After that you can drive it in sweden.

*Amateur built car is every car that isnīt built by a (as our goverment would say) real car manufactory. So a turn-key car from Ultima, Caterham or RH is classified as a amatuer built car

Then Sweden is in breach of its EU requirements, and that will change..

They are obliged to accept a vehicle imported from any other member state...

PROVIDED it passes their MOT test..

However who wants to move to a country with colder weather than UK with a locost anyway..

tks - 27/10/06 at 11:31 AM

That words do axactly the rumours here in spain!

But there are more ways!! to rome also in sweden!

If you can get your car homologated to EU level. it will enter every country without a spark of problems!!!

Here in spain there exist a homologation company wich do just that. Homologate to EU level. problem is that it isnīt easy to cope with that!

If you reed this artikel, you will see that it states that it should be possible but like always some exeptions.

this is the link. (in the upper bar you can switch language)






[url= 1)&arg2=&refinecode=LEG*T1=V100;T2=V1;T3=V1]MAIN LINK

[Edited on 27/10/06 by tks]

marc laptop - 27/10/06 at 11:53 AM

hi walter still havent recieved an email to from you what would the sender be displayed as ???????

Gergely - 27/10/06 at 12:08 PM


I can't seem to change the language in the link you sent... is it just me???

I am interested in what it says though...


tks - 27/10/06 at 12:44 PM

i have sended a new one.

the other wasn't sended sow nothing wrong with the damn computers



tks - 27/10/06 at 12:50 PM

i quote from the document


It follows that Member States may not object to the type-approval and registration of a vehicle previously type-approved and registered in another Member State, for reasons relating to the technical characteristics of that vehicle, unless the reasons specified in Article 36 or imperative considerations are involved, in which case they must state them in detail and substantiate them. The fact that a vehicle type-approved and registered in another Member State does not correspond to a type approved in the Member State of destination or that its technical characteristics differ from those laid down in the law of that State does not of itself constitute adequate grounds for refusing the type-approval and registration of the vehicle concerned.



G.Man - 27/10/06 at 01:37 PM

Originally posted by tks
That words do axactly the rumours here in spain!

But there are more ways!! to rome also in sweden!

If you can get your car homologated to EU level. it will enter every country without a spark of problems!!!

Here in spain there exist a homologation company wich do just that. Homologate to EU level. problem is that it isnīt easy to cope with that!

If you reed this artikel, you will see that it states that it should be possible but like always some exeptions.

this is the link. (in the upper bar you can switch language)






[url= 1)&arg2=&refinecode=LEG*T1=V100;T2=V1;T3=V1]MAIN LINK

[Edited on 27/10/06 by tks]


I dont understand what you are saying...

The UK SVA test is an EU type Approval... Therefore to enter another EU member state it must merely pass their equivalent of an MOT/Safety test....

No member state can test a vehicle to a standard below that required for EU type approval, including emmissions...


Member States may not make the registration of a vehicle from another Member State, where it has been previously type-approved and registered, conditional upon its conformity with an approved type or upon its strict compliance with requirements in force on their territory. It should be borne in mind that this point only arises in the case of national type-approval since, where EC type-approval has been obtained, by definition it is valid for that model in all Member States.

Even if the SVA test is regarded as a national type approval, they must allow it entry and registration in another member state, it does not have to comply with local technical regulations... Except on safety grpunds which they must validate under article 36 and list before refusal..

This would not mean missing airbags etc it would mean inadequate brakes, safety devices etc etc.. ie you would have to think of it as less safe than a motorcycle before they could fail it...

[Edited on 27/10/06 by G.Man]

tks - 27/10/06 at 01:49 PM

Do you have prove wich says that the SVA is an EU homologation??

For example is there a homologation number on your car document??


G.Man - 27/10/06 at 02:25 PM

The SVA certificate number is printed on the V5 in the section, type approval number...

[Edited on 27/10/06 by G.Man]

tks - 27/10/06 at 02:28 PM

does it start with a e?



p.d. iīm in no offence to you its just that i try to prepare my paperwork.

With proof material.

G.Man - 27/10/06 at 02:29 PM

No its starts with an AA, only EU type approval numbers start with a E, as they represent the Generic Type Approval not single vehicle approval

Full details of the scope and purpose of UK SVA is here..

[Edited on 27/10/06 by G.Man]

tks - 27/10/06 at 02:41 PM

Sow this is the proof that the SVA isnīt a EU homologation!!

Else it would start with a e number not??

you say that AA means EU, single aproval?


p.d. i hop you are right but wy spain etc. can reject those cars??

tks - 27/10/06 at 02:45 PM

Sow who is right?


SVA checks that vehicles constructed for non-European Economic Area markets comply with British law.


Jonte - 27/10/06 at 03:23 PM

For first maybe this thread should be split in to 2 different, we are going OT here

My technical english isnīt so good and definatly not my bureaucratic english.

But as I understand these "kit-cars" are not crash tested, therefor not approved by swedish SVA as a "complete" car.
Then you donīt have the same builder for all of them. For example Caterham doesnīt build every Caterham thatīs on the road. But as for Ford, Lotus, Bentley and on, they are built by a company and then approved as a whole-built car (donīt know the correct word for that).

But for me this aint really a problem. Itīs rather easy to build a kit-car and get it approved here in sweden. The rules are mostly the same for the british SVA as for the swedish SVA.
But without those silly radius and rubbercovers on every nut and bolt

chockymonster - 27/10/06 at 03:26 PM


In the UK the SVA test is used to make sure a car is fit for the UK roads. It stands for Single Vehicle Approval, it is used for one make cars (like ours) cars imported from abroad etc.

A lot of people have done the registration in the uk and then imported it to their own country, so stop panicking!

tks - 27/10/06 at 04:09 PM

i will shutup then

Anyway! i want to go to estoril to!!

because its only 400Km from here i guess.

maybe even less..



G.Man - 27/10/06 at 04:38 PM

Originally posted by tks
Sow who is right?


SVA checks that vehicles constructed for non-European Economic Area markets comply with British law.


Sow is a female pig... or what you do when you plant seeds

So is the word you are looking for...

[Edited on 27/10/06 by G.Man]

JoaoCaldeira - 29/10/06 at 07:38 AM

I think there is a confusion here.

EU homologation is one thing (mandatory acceptance in all EU countries)

National homologation is antoher (like SVA, which every other EU country must accept if its legislation compies with this EU directive)


clutch_kick - 30/10/06 at 03:46 PM

Hmmm due to our local 'lack of' laws reagrding SVA ... i have been told it might be easier to Import a ready built/second hand car ... I wanted tu build mine!!

tks - 30/10/06 at 04:12 PM

and SVA it in the UK
and import it..

its the way things should go..

malta is way of...

i woul djust build it and confrontate the state with the rulez wich are needed..



clutch_kick - 31/10/06 at 03:11 PM

Originally posted by tks
i woul djust build it and confrontate the state with the rulez wich are needed..



It's what we have been trying to do for the past 2 years. The laws are there ... but they have not yet been passed on.
Then let's not even talk about the registration taxes.