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Free Bits (well almost) for Haynes.
3GEComponents - 10/2/13 at 01:32 PM

I thought I'd got rid of all the parts for the Haynes that I used to do but a clearout of the garage has unearthed yet more bits. Hopefully this is all now.

I am getting rid of all of these parts forfree if you want them all you have to do is cover the postage. hence the almost bit.

I have as follows

CP1 (2 off)
CP2 (2 off)
CP7 (2 off)
CP8 (2 off)
CP9 (2 off)
CP10 (4 off)
CP11 (2 off)
CP12 (2 off)
CP14 (1 off)
CP15 (2 off)
CP16 (1 off)
CP17 (1 0ff)
CP19,20 & 21 (1of each)
CP22 (2 off)
CP23 (4 off)
CP24 (2 off)
CP25 (2 off)
RU3 (2 off)
RU7 (2 off)
RU8 (2 off)
DS1 (2 off)
DS2 (2 off)

Postage is going to vary depending on the part, some bits are fairly chunky. Drop me a U2U on any bits you fancy.



Slimy38 - 10/2/13 at 02:04 PM

U2U sent...

3GEComponents - 10/2/13 at 02:45 PM

Looks like it's all gone now.

