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VX220 Chassis
scootz - 22/1/10 at 02:29 PM

On eBay... looks well beyond use to me, but if it stays in the low hundreds, then worth a punt purely for forensic-dissection!


tegwin - 22/1/10 at 02:46 PM

hmmm.. interesting

I always thought an elise/vx chassis would be a pretty cool basis for a monster middi...

Replace the rear subframe with a properly mounte V10 :p

scootz - 22/1/10 at 03:00 PM

There's a company offering the R32 V6 engine into the Elise...

smart51 - 22/1/10 at 03:15 PM

The remains of that chassis are useless. It is dented and weakened on the LHS and the front has been cut away. There is no prospect of repairing it and it's only worth is as scrap. Avoid at all costs.

scootz - 22/1/10 at 05:22 PM

That'll be why I said it's "well beyond use" in my initial post and suggested that it's only useful for pulling apart out of sheer Lotus chassis-wizardry-construction curiosity!

scootz - 22/1/10 at 05:31 PM

... at a nominal price!

john_p_b - 22/1/10 at 08:34 PM

it's scary to think someone might actually think they can do something with that and buy it!

scudderfish - 22/1/10 at 09:23 PM

It's had the suspension mounts cut off. The chassis of my Elise was written off because I cracked the glue in a joint on a suspension mount. I hope no-one ever puts wheels on it.

smart51 - 22/1/10 at 10:19 PM

I've seen the VX chassis in the factory. A work of art. I'd have one just to look at if they made one with tidy glue! There's zero chance of repairs though so don't ever bend one. At least with steel cars you can weld them.

cosworthspeed10 - 22/1/10 at 10:31 PM

Whats wrong with "No More Nails"

v8kid - 23/1/10 at 10:33 AM

Cheap chinese tig and a tub of filler - whats the problem here?

MakeEverything - 23/1/10 at 10:40 AM

Originally posted by cosworthspeed10
Whats wrong with "No More Nails"

You Jest, but....

When i worked at DuPont, they used to have Elise Chassis in all the time from the factory, so that they could train people on how to replace sills, panels etc. As such, they always came in bare form all gluesd and riveted with blackPU glue.

Aston Martin are the same, i was gobsmacked that there was so little in the chassis, and that it was glued and riveted together like an airoplane!

Incidentally, the elise sill repairs are also done with PU 'Glue' so the guys had about 30 seconds to fit and fettle before it set. Really interesting to ratch the instructors at work.