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European Road Trip 2011
bbwales - 28/2/11 at 02:55 PM

Hi all,

Well have started serious planning for this years road trip, and offering anyone who would like to join us to give me a shout.

Leaving Dover on 29th July at 4:00 and heading to Luxemberg from there to Rudesheim am Rhein, then somewhere in the Black Forest, from there to the Alps and Garmish Partenkirchen, onto Munich (got to visit the beerkeller) From there onto Vienna, then Slovakia and into Poland, then head for Berlin and from there to the Hartz Mountains. From here onto Hamburg and then follow the German coast into Holland and make our way back with the return ferry being on 19th August at 1400.

Ferry bookings are cheap at the moment.

Camping will be the order of the day to allow flexibility on the route and staying in places longer than first thought.



prawnabie - 28/2/11 at 03:24 PM

What sort of mileage are you looking at?

bbwales - 28/2/11 at 03:29 PM


From Dunkerque to Dunkerque is about 2,800 miles.



dave - 28/2/11 at 05:10 PM

Bob, I take it you can do all or bits of the trip?

mangogrooveworkshop - 28/2/11 at 06:04 PM

Originally posted by dave
Bob, I take it you can do all or bits of the trip?

Your car david is in bits and your welcome to come along with your bits.

dave - 28/2/11 at 06:10 PM

Cheeky, no more biscuits for you Lad.

t16turbotone - 28/2/11 at 06:53 PM

Sounds good to me, although i couldnt do all of the trip.

bi22le - 28/2/11 at 07:35 PM

Wow 3 weeks and 3K miles. Thats a serious road trip. I would love to come and it sounds amazing but im afraid 'Im out!'

Hope it all goes well.


bbwales - 28/2/11 at 07:44 PM


You can do as much or as little of the trip as you want, the route is circular so you can break off at any point and head back to the port.

And seeing you are up north of the border if you want you could stay a night at my gaff so breaking the journey up.



[Edited on 28/2/11 by bbwales]

pgtips - 28/2/11 at 07:48 PM

Wow I am VERY tempted....... That's just sound like an amazing trip.

hillbillyracer - 28/2/11 at 07:51 PM

On the banger rally in 09 we did 3500 miles in a week, fantastic experience but it was too fast to enjoy it properly & we were knackered! Spread over 3 weeks will be a much nicer pace, I like the idea but cant spare 3 weeks or the money to do the likes of that.
I've thought of sailing from Dover, driving the coast of northern Europe & getting the boat back to Scotland from Scandanavia, would need a similar time to do that.

femster87 - 28/2/11 at 08:07 PM

i'll be up for it if the car gets finished in time, I am hoping it gets done for may

mangogrooveworkshop - 28/2/11 at 10:07 PM

We did 4250 in two weeks ....and we loved it all the way 3 weeks is cool

Thinking about it - 28/2/11 at 10:34 PM

Bob. You will have to mention it to my good lady to get me a pass.

bbwales - 28/2/11 at 10:41 PM


In 2009 we did 2400 miles before crashing the car in France (rose joint snapped), we did 12 countries but if I am honest the drive was more centered on driving and very little time off, which did get tiring but not the cause of the crash as we had 2 nights in each of 2 camp sites prior to the crash..

In 2010 we did 2642 miles in 2 weeks and had a great time doing it got as far as Spain (Roses) before turning around and coming back via Andorra. We kept to back roads where we could and did no toll roads, saw some very nice sights and went across the Milou bridge.

This year we are looking at doing a max of 200 miles a day with stops of 2 or 3 nights along the way, looking at staying at:-

1 night between Dunkerque and Luxemberg;
Luxemberg 1 night;
Rudesheim 2 nights;
Black Forest 1 night;
Munich 3 nights;
Vienna 1 night;
Slovakia 1 night;
Krakov 1 night (I want to see Auschwitz);
1 night between Auschwitz and Berlin;
Berlin 2 nights;
Hartz Mountains 2 nights;
Hamburg 2 nights;
2 nights between Hamburg and Dunkerque
this leaves 1 night spare to take as and when we want to.



bbwales - 28/2/11 at 10:42 PM


Bring her along. She will love camping.


Thinking about it - 1/3/11 at 08:07 AM

Originally posted by bbwales

Bring her along. She will love camping.


Ok I will go out and buy her a £60K motorhome.
Oh, and your mate the dog will have to come. Should protect everything.