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UK cities face ban on heavily polluting traffic
Westy1994 - 28/6/12 at 03:25 PM

Article taken from todays news, here

" Newcastle, Liverpool, Tyneside, Sheffield, Bristol, Brighton, Birkenhead, Preston, Swansea, Belfast, south-west England, north-east Scotland and south Wales are all likely to have to introduce "low-emission zones" to curb the toxic gas nitrogen dioxide (NO2) which is linked to heart diseases and respiratory problems."

So I wonder what will happen with say the London to Brighton classic car run and any other events where an old car has to travel within the confines if this so called LEZ zone. Are we to be banned now?.

coyoteboy - 28/6/12 at 03:42 PM

North east of Scotland became a city now eh, interesting. Sounds a tad incredible.

matt_claydon - 28/6/12 at 03:49 PM

London already has a LEZ, it only applies to heavy / commercial vehicles. I imagine it would be the same for the additional cities proposed.

Macbeast - 28/6/12 at 04:02 PM

London LEZ only applies to diesels.

Westy1994 - 28/6/12 at 04:03 PM

Ah, Thanks Matt for that link, interesting it says " The LEZ does not apply to cars or motorcycles ", yet the photo in that news link I posted is plainly a car.

I have no objection to the stated proposed rules, as it may well help with all these lorries and heavy goods vehicles that clog up my local roads here, having said that public transport can not take over this role, so they will have to update their vehicles to conform - end result being we all end up paying more for a product as they will just pass the cost down to you and me.

coyoteboy - 28/6/12 at 04:24 PM

If they apply it to cars it'll be a PITA. Leave your special one-of-a-kind car out of the city in a random car park and bus in please. No ta, I'll go elsewhere or order online thanks.

Westy1994 - 28/6/12 at 04:32 PM

That was my first thought Coyote, but I wonder how far it will go, look what happened to the no-smoking rule, first it was at work, then it was not in any works vehicles closely followed by the ban a pubs. Will this go the same way, it's just HGV and the likes at the moment, but that could quite easily spread to cars and the older cars not having to take a metered test at the moment will suffer the most.

mad4x4 - 28/6/12 at 05:29 PM

well they can **** off!

mad4x4 - 28/6/12 at 05:30 PM

North east of Scotland ! be better up here with a tax on COWS.

Ninehigh - 28/6/12 at 06:04 PM

Originally posted by coyoteboy
If they apply it to cars it'll be a PITA. Leave your special one-of-a-kind car out of the city in a random car park and bus in please. No ta, I'll go elsewhere or order online thanks.

If it applies to cars I'm about to lose half my work... I don't think they're going to be doing a park and ride into Birkenhead at 4.30am!

Mark Allanson - 28/6/12 at 07:13 PM

I think they should ban everything from everywhere, then no one could stop anyone doing anything or nothing because what they would have to do to stop them would be banned, then everyone could do anything

Ninehigh - 28/6/12 at 07:35 PM

Originally posted by Mark Allanson
I think they should ban everything from everywhere, then no one could stop anyone doing anything or nothing because what they would have to do to stop them would be banned, then everyone could do anything

A1 - 28/6/12 at 09:26 PM

If we all removed our cats then NO2 wouldnt be a problem