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NEWS: F1 Crash at Duxford.
BenB - 3/7/12 at 01:32 PM

Nasty. seems strange to come to a halt and then suddenly accelerate...

Westy1994 - 3/7/12 at 01:42 PM

Wow, not nice. One can only speculate the causes of a crash, but surely can't have been a simple case of hitting the wrong pedal surely, no one gets into an F1 car without knowing how to drive.

I wish her well in her recovery.

been reading some more reports on that, sounds like an issue with the car to be honest

" "She came back into the area we were in with the engineers. She slowed down but then suddenly, inexplicably accelerated through the crowd and smashed into the side of the truck."

[Edited on 3/7/12 by Westy1994]

Steve Hignett - 3/7/12 at 01:42 PM

She thought she wasn't in gear?

MikeFellows - 3/7/12 at 01:46 PM

was she parking it next to the lorry?

Jon Ison - 3/7/12 at 02:24 PM

Current word is anti stall kicked in which can rev the engine to 1/2 max revs

scootz - 3/7/12 at 03:26 PM

I heard her handbag strap got caught around the accelerator pedal.

Sorry... I can't help having typewritten-tourettes!

Seriously though, I see she has regained consciousness and I hope she makes a full recovery!

coyoteboy - 3/7/12 at 03:52 PM

The safety around this is remarkably lax though - there's clearly a very heavy object at the track side which sits above nose cone height and can directly impact the drivers head. Why was that truck allowed to be there with an operational car? I guess the risk line has to be drawn somewhere but it seems a tad obvious. It's also sickeningly familiar to an accident I recently witnessed where a single seater went under some armco after something malfunctioned and the driver went full-throttle into the barrier, pinning their head between barrier and car. I wonder how high our cars are in relation to armco and whether they'd tunnel under if it went wrong. Good reason to have a full cage...


I heard her handbag strap got caught around the accelerator pedal. Sorry... I can't help having typewritten-tourettes!

Really? You'd never believe it was 2012!

[Edited on 3/7/12 by coyoteboy]

A1 - 3/7/12 at 07:22 PM

roadside barriers will hit you at shoulder height, probably donk you on the noggin too without a cage... best not to test it though