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getting ready for the wetter/colder times ahead
Ian Jones - 17/8/13 at 08:33 PM

when i got my bec in November, i had a stormforce cover to protect it from the elements.

over the last couple of months I have been using a big gazebo to give it a bit more protection, but now it has started to get more windy, the gazebo started to take a beating.

over this week, I have started to make a car port that is built onto my shed.

it is all most finished, I just need to put some guttering on it on the next week or so.

hopefully it will offer better protection to what i had.

the pics so far


nick205 - 17/8/13 at 10:06 PM

Looks good, some roll down polythene sides and you're bone dry in there. Shouldn't suffer from any condensation either which helps.

Ian Jones - 23/8/13 at 07:14 PM

done a bit more work on it today.

finished the front. just the gutter left to do now.

Matt159888 - 25/8/13 at 12:20 PM

The things we do for our loved ones!!

tango man - 25/8/13 at 06:28 PM

i went for a luton body ; ok for storing mk ' working on it is tight but i manage , cost £300 deliverd and placed in position best thing ive bought , been there 4 yrs now painted it green so it blends in wi trees ,lovely jubely,cant imagine life without it