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On wheels! :D
Miks15 - 9/6/09 at 04:26 PM

Well finally got the car on wheels today! Dead happy cant stop smiling! Heres a pic for you all.

Will hopefully have the engine and running gear in soon aswell. So will start to keep you all updated with progress!


Stuart_B - 9/6/09 at 04:28 PM

nice, one.

like the chassis, as well, no black chassis there.

well done, keep up the good work


westf27 - 9/6/09 at 04:32 PM

interesting column arrangement.Do you have a pic of the final downlink to rack.I assume there is a swivel joint.

Miks15 - 9/6/09 at 04:34 PM

Originally posted by westf27
interesting column arrangement.Do you have a pic of the final downlink to rack.I assume there is a swivel joint.

Sorry no pic yet, you can just see a block of wood on it (make shift bearing til i get a proper one), just after this there is the final downlink down to the rack, hope this makes sense

blakep82 - 9/6/09 at 04:35 PM

very nice work mate!
just a thought though, are you going to make some kind of cowling for the radiator? if not you may find air will go over it rather than through it

Miks15 - 9/6/09 at 04:44 PM

Yep, the plan was to make an ali cowling for it once all the body was done

Badger_McLetcher - 9/6/09 at 04:48 PM

Sweet as mate

PaulBuz - 9/6/09 at 05:09 PM

It's a great feeling aint it?!

Miks15 - 9/6/09 at 06:36 PM

Sure is, cant stop smiling, every 10mins or i look at the pics on my phone again

Originally posted by PaulBuz
It's a great feeling aint it?!

speedyxjs - 9/6/09 at 07:31 PM

Nice work

Daddylonglegs - 9/6/09 at 08:06 PM

I know the feeling, it's not been that long since mine first hit terra firma

Hopefully won't be long before I've got all the bits n' bobs wleded in place and I can finally paint my chassis too.

Good job mate

Hammerhead - 9/6/09 at 08:19 PM

well done Mikkel, just stop admiring it and get an engine in there!!
Seriously well done.. looks great.


Miks15 - 10/6/09 at 09:45 AM

cheers for all your words guys, would love to be out there right now cleaning it (gets proper dusty out there!) and cracking on,

But i have a physics exam this afternoon which unfortunatly must take priority for now... but tomorrow is another day!