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Can anyone recommend a good powder coater in the midlands.
bigbravedave - 17/8/09 at 12:03 PM

I was wondering if anyone knows of a good powder coaters in the midlands, I've got a load of stuff from rough iron patio furniture to axle stands that I'd like to put through, but im struggling to find any of the "leave it there for a week and we will put it through with another job for cash" places there used to be a few of.

the_fbi - 17/8/09 at 12:39 PM

If you're not too far from Northampton (which some parts of Warwickshire aren't), then (Paul).

They just stripped and coated one of my kart chassis and I'm very impressed with service/quality/price.

cd.thomson - 17/8/09 at 01:01 PM

some good blokes in derby too if youre interested.

stevec - 17/8/09 at 02:19 PM


Very good job on a bike frame.
I think you will struggle to find anyone who will do it while you wait. It usually takes a week at least.

Dick Axtell - 17/8/09 at 04:45 PM

Try Redditch Shotblasting. Locate via -


Most of my stuff was done here. Saw several interesting chassis being prepped.