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Strange insurance quotation problem
steve m - 22/2/12 at 02:21 AM

Hi all

It will soon be time to renew the insurance on the tin top, just a boring Mondeo

so i enter all the relevent stuff, and get my quotes coming out of, some are not bad !
range from £248-£1530 a year ??????

any way it says on the right hand page that having some one else on the insurance could save money,
i could not work out why ! but added my wife, age etc bla bla full licence, of 15 yrs plus etc
and the quotes are about £60 cheaper with two of us on the policy

now the problem,

My Wife can t drive, never has driven, and i would not let her loose to even sit in the driving seat, !!

So if my wife was to "never drive the car" so in theory how would the insurance company know she cant actually drive, and does not hold any form of licence ?

any ideas?


blakep82 - 22/2/12 at 02:30 AM

hmm, you'd have to enter details of how long shes had a license, by saying she has one would be a lie, and even though she would never drive and therefore never be able to crash the car, insurance companies may check if you were ever to make a claim. they'll try and find any way to get out of paying up. sayoing she has a licence when she doesn't may invalidate your insurance. would only be a problem if you ever had to claim i guess...

anyway, you can add anyone on to lower i think. female is better... any daughters? mothers? friends you can add who will never drive?
i added my mum to mine to get it down. she never drives my car. she's covered on her own insurance to drive any car anyway if she ever had to...

steve m - 22/2/12 at 02:40 AM

adding my Mum, now that is a good idea!
shes been driving for 50+ years, no points etc, and is the best driver. out of her and Dad!

adding my daughter would be dreadfull, as it would mean she could borrow my car, errrr NO, or her Brother


blakep82 - 22/2/12 at 02:50 AM

well, whoever you add doesn't have to know you added them....
just as long as they have a licence really.

morcus - 22/2/12 at 03:12 AM

Didn't they change that thing about women being cheaper to insure this year?

You'd be commiting insurance fraud if you tell them your wife has a lisense if she doesn't and adding anyone over 70 isn't likely to do you any favours but it's always worth a try.

steve m - 22/2/12 at 03:22 AM

Ive tried it with my Mother, and its the same, £60 cheaper
so her at 72 is still low risk

Furyous - 22/2/12 at 09:05 AM

Allegedly, the idea is that if other, "safer" people are insured to drive the car you will be driving it less so the overall risk is reduced. But that might be internet hearsay.

jamesbond007ltk - 22/2/12 at 10:16 AM

I always add my mum and girlfirend to my insurance ever since a conversation I had many years ago with my insurance company. They said that if my mum or girlfriend drove just one day out of the year it would mean I wouldn't be driving and hence their risk would be lower. I couldn't help but laugh, picturing the dents in my mums car!!

Originally posted by Furyous
Allegedly, the idea is that if other, "safer" people are insured to drive the car you will be driving it less so the overall risk is reduced. But that might be internet hearsay.

britishtrident - 22/2/12 at 11:07 AM

Much as I love the Meerkats it is worth trying other sites directly rather than through the comparision sites. I found LV is very good anybody over 30.

Also the Post Office comparision site and Lancaster Insurance comparion engnee.

steve m - 22/2/12 at 11:30 AM

I used the mearcats site last night (at work) pureley as Swinton, who for the last two years were the best sensible quote
have hiked me up from £310 to £660 this year ??

Ive got till 15 March, so will try others


James - 22/2/12 at 01:11 PM

Adding my girlfriend to my insurance lowered mine.

At the same time, adding me to hers lowered hers.

I think it's more that someone in a couple/stable relationship is less likely to be an insurance risk than someone single.


serieslandy - 22/2/12 at 01:37 PM

I'm trying car insurance as well. Funnily enough my renewal seems to be about the cheepest so far.

Insurance seems to have gone up a lot. Maybe I should claim for whiplash as well.......

stevegough - 22/2/12 at 02:13 PM

You could always get her a licence - but at £50, you are not going to benefit much if the saving is only £60?

steve m - 22/2/12 at 04:18 PM

To qualify for any form of discount, it has to be a Full licence, and from playing about with the settings, anything over 3 years
made a different

[Edited on 22/2/12 by steve m]

HAL 1 - 22/2/12 at 04:55 PM

Just had to stop driving for a while, Mrs hals ins shot up for her car + they wanted £30 cancellation fee from me for my own tintop ins, when i asked kit insurers ( who were brilliant about the whole thing BTW I:e kept ins ok for mrs + no charges at all) they told me it's because of something called 'shared liability ' don't ask me what that means !

PS Frank pickles are my kit insurers, again, brilliant !