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New scoring system for F1 in 2009??
BenB - 26/11/08 at 11:55 AM

I think it'd be a shame. After all consistency can be a good thing. Take Gio in BTCC for example.

If you make it all about winning you'll get more Massa T-bone type banzai moves... good for TV but rubbish for racing...

iank - 26/11/08 at 12:06 PM

I suspect it's another example of trailing the unacceptable in order to get the teams to agree to what you actually want as it isn't quite as bad.

will121 - 26/11/08 at 12:48 PM

just think he cant remember past this season and still gutted ferrari didnt win the championship, and doing this to be able to say well Ferrari would have won!!

russbost - 26/11/08 at 01:20 PM

New points scoring system - what like the red cars get as many extra points awarded at any time during the season that Bernie sees fit in order for the championship to go down to the last race where if at all possible you make sure a red car comes out on top!

Mole - 26/11/08 at 02:14 PM

They may even introduce it retro-actively.

iscmatt - 26/11/08 at 03:12 PM

he mentioned aout only getting an extra 2 points for risky over taking - maybe they should make the point differences between positions bigger.
So instead of




Points difference so large it is important to really try and win, buts its not all over if you dont!!

speedyxjs - 26/11/08 at 07:23 PM

^^^ That would be a good idea but i personally think the current setup works fine.

johnston - 26/11/08 at 09:36 PM

One big draw back i see with this is.

If someone does try to attack for the lead they get penalised for being to aggressive driving unsafely etc etc.

Another one is if a contender isn't likely to get an all important 1st place due to accident or puncture bad qualifying etc whats to stop them just pulling into the pits early to savetheir engine for the next race??

chrisg - 27/11/08 at 11:55 AM

Looking at that news report the thing that strikes me is that Bernie desperately needs a stylist!



smart51 - 27/11/08 at 12:51 PM

Originally posted by johnston
if a contender isn't likely to get an all important 1st place due to accident or puncture bad qualifying etc whats to stop them just pulling into the pits early to savetheir engine for the next race??

I think you would see a lot of that. Currently, you can chase and see if you get a couple of points to minimise the damage. If there is nothing to gain by staying out, chances are you'll come in early, or if they ban that, just tootle round a couple of thou under the rev limit to save the engine.

RK - 27/11/08 at 01:37 PM

He will not live long and it all won't matter. The stress of his wife leaving him will do it if nothing else... then we'll see how long 500 US dollah budgets will be around. He has made a lot of people rich, himself notwithstanding, and has had a good life from the looks of it.