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Visiting @ Harrogate
clutch_kick - 4/1/09 at 11:22 PM

Guys, thepest and myself will be visiting the MNR factory on the 9th January. We're coming over ot the UK on the 8th and leave early on the 10th.

Anyone up for a pint?

thepest - 5/1/09 at 12:06 AM

Aww, c'mon guys.....

thepest - 5/1/09 at 07:19 AM

IS the credit crunch that bad?

ReMan - 5/1/09 at 07:35 AM

It was 1 o clock in the morning before the first real day back to work when you posted.

Sorry, it's a bit of a way for me, else any excuse for a pint

RichardK - 5/1/09 at 09:48 AM

Yep, I'm up for it, where are you staying mate? u2u me if you want.



clutch_kick - 5/1/09 at 10:42 AM

great we'll let you know.

mookaloid - 5/1/09 at 01:07 PM

I'll see if I can get a passout

procomp - 5/1/09 at 03:07 PM


If flying in to the UK through Birmingham airport you could always do the Autosport show. Running from the 8th - 11th at the NEC just down the road from the airport. I would imagine there would be more than a few LCB members around at the show.

Expect your going through Manchester though.

Cheers Matt

clutch_kick - 5/1/09 at 03:45 PM

yepp hitch-hiking it to Manchester lol

clutch_kick - 7/1/09 at 11:12 AM

bump! We get there tomorrow.

clutch_kick - 10/1/09 at 11:54 PM

back from Harrogate and we had a great time!!

I'd like to thank Chis and Mark at MNR for all their help and patience. Ian (i hope I got the name correct) for letting us take a long and detailed peek at his immaculate Vortx R1. Last but not least Bob and Lulu for keeping us entertained.

A big thanks goes out to RichardK and Mookaloid, for coming over to the pub and having a pint with us. We really enjoyed it guys ... it's definately got to happen again!