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Anyone live in Watford?
rodders - 3/2/09 at 08:14 PM

I'm heading up to RNOH Stanmore tomorrow for a follow up my surgeon, I'm setting off early to give me plenty of time if I do get stuck. The roads where I live are appalling, I spent 2.5 hours today clearing the snow from my driveway and getting a lot of the snow off the road outside my house. Luckily some neighbours came out and we cleared about a 40 metre section so at least cars will be able to get some sort of grip when approaching the junction at the bottom of the hill .

Anyway has anyone been up Brockley Hill today or yesterday, is it clear? It is an A road so I'm assuming it will have been gritted but you can't be sure local councils have done it. Hopefully someone lives or has been in the area so they will know what the situation is.



[Edited on 3/2/09 by rodders]

BenB - 3/2/09 at 08:42 PM

Ooooooooh! Nice roads out that way!!!!

whitestu - 3/2/09 at 09:19 PM

I'm just down the road from Stanmore - all the roads round here are fine now.


rodders - 3/2/09 at 09:28 PM

Cheers Stu, at least I know those roads are clear and now, I can only hope nothing else will cause any problems tomorrow morning.

