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How many?
Tim 45 - 11/5/09 at 03:31 PM

So, just browsing the BBC site and found this

How many laws can you spot this guy breaking in the 2 minute video?

blakep82 - 11/5/09 at 03:34 PM

increased congestion then

Miks15 - 11/5/09 at 03:47 PM

wasnt there a big thing about the police getting people who post vids of them speeding etc?

so i take it hell get nicked then

aka Keith - 11/5/09 at 03:58 PM

I saw this very early this morning. Thin end of wedge, and one to be stopped IMO.

We should be talking less about his driving, and more about the dumbing down of driving skills.

Link this to your crusie control, adaptive driving stuff and you really could go to sleep--and would't that be good for road safety.

idl1975 - 11/5/09 at 04:14 PM

Not to mention the whole premise is ridiculous. It's not hard to avoid being fined for speeding - note the prevailing limit and obey it. That's one of the reasons for that whizzy dial on the dash labelled mph.

Who are the people who would actually need this device to remind them not to speed?

Originally posted by Tim 45
So, just browsing the BBC site and found this

How many laws can you spot this guy breaking in the 2 minute video?

nstrug - 13/5/09 at 12:42 PM

HOW many times did he take both hands off the wheel????


Vindi_andy - 13/5/09 at 01:38 PM

Well he exceeded a 30 MPH speed limit for 1