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Polishing Glass
ash_hammond - 3/12/09 at 05:23 PM

Hi Guys

I have found a scratches on the side window of my car. It looks like some tw*t has tried to break the window. You can just about feel them when you run a finger nail over them and they are on average 4cm long. If it was 1 or 2 i would probably leave them alone, but its a large collection.

I have googled around and found several kits for removing scratches but...

Can anyone recommend a product / kit for removing scratches in glass?

I would rather buy a kit/product that someone can recommend.

Many Thanks

-- Ash AKA Shirley.

steve m - 3/12/09 at 05:27 PM

i would of thought changing the glass would be easier ? unless its extremley rare or expensive


Danozeman - 3/12/09 at 05:28 PM

A windscreen fitter i know said to use3 jewellers rouge to polish some out of my windscreen.

blakep82 - 3/12/09 at 05:32 PM

where are these scratches? are they completely vertical? if they're that light you can just about fel them, isn't it scratches from the window running up and down?

55ant - 3/12/09 at 05:53 PM

if your feeling brave,

very, very fine wire wool over the glass, then a fine polish and using something like an orbital sander on a medium speed to apply.

r1_pete - 3/12/09 at 06:50 PM

Some glass polishing kits here not cheap mind....

AR-CoolC - 4/12/09 at 11:30 AM

Originally posted by Danozeman
A windscreen fitter i know said to use3 jewellers rouge to polish some out of my windscreen.

Jeweller rouge will help, but not fully remove scratches on toughened (side window) glass.

What car is it?

tegwin - 4/12/09 at 11:58 AM

I imagine its cheaper/same price to go to a scrappy and get a replacement window rather than buy polish?