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Penciled picture of london
steve m - 24/9/10 at 08:04 PM

Anyone watch the programme about the guy with autism ??

his picture of london was breathtaking
incredible, and what a lovley guy he is

austin man - 24/9/10 at 08:11 PM

was that many years ago when his only mistake was drawing it in reverse ? if so an exceptional talent

steve m - 24/9/10 at 08:13 PM

no, it was just on, and repeated now on sky 177, virgin 152

The lad , is now an adult, and brilliant

austin man - 24/9/10 at 08:18 PM

it will be the same one I'm thinking of there was a series which looked at autistic children and their amazing abilities. If I recall correctly there is also a blind autistic lad who can listen to any piece of piano music one and play it back note perfect. I think they tested him on Beethovens concerto or something like that

CRAIGR - 24/9/10 at 08:56 PM

Breaker - 24/9/10 at 10:38 PM

The human brain is amazing !!!