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Ok, who else is ill ???
Andybarbet - 18/12/10 at 11:01 AM

Well, me, the wife & my 11 year old son have all got it.

It all started ound about thursday afternoon, we've had the shivering sweats, sore throats, very bad headaches, high temperature & have literally just been laying down now for 48 hours.

Anyone else got this ??? how long is it going to last ??

Getting bored with it now

MikeRJ - 18/12/10 at 11:22 AM

Me, and my daughter

snapper - 18/12/10 at 11:42 AM

It's a 7 to 10 day virus, but you will feel better after 3 days.
Make sure you keep hydrated.

Next worry is the Norovirus, it's in London and moving, My guts feel a bit bubbly at the moment so will try and kill it with beer this afternoon

[Edited on 18/12/10 by snapper]

l0rd - 18/12/10 at 12:05 PM

I am ill with the incompetence of people

Does this count?

Otherwise apart from my back killing me as i am trying to pack to move I am as healthy as an ox

lewis - 18/12/10 at 12:19 PM

I've been in hospital for the past few days with swine flu (so last year I know)Do I win?

Andybarbet - 18/12/10 at 12:29 PM

Lewis, you have definately won there then.

Hope your feeling better ?

mangogrooveworkshop - 18/12/10 at 12:30 PM

Isnt the an I phone app to detect viruses

flibble - 18/12/10 at 12:30 PM

Me too, but like snapper says, lasted 3 days of hell now just feeling wonky with a sore throat, so on the mend and glad the enormous headach has gone

marcjagman - 18/12/10 at 12:54 PM

Feel like crap but cos wife was ill last night. She's up all night, then so am I.

whitestu - 18/12/10 at 01:03 PM

Me, wife and all 3 kids. Still got it and have been feeling terrible since Monday!

britishtrident - 18/12/10 at 01:33 PM

Whole family down ----- almost 2 weeks since it first showed as very mild symptoms 9 days since really hit hard and although the symptoms come and go we still feel weak and awful.

oadamo - 18/12/10 at 01:38 PM

my 4 year old girl has been to hospital 2 times in the last couple of weeks, but shes feeling better now. ive had headaches
and the back of my eyes ache which is making me feel sick. on the plus side i havent been to work the last few days, and the other half is running around after me

mark chandler - 18/12/10 at 03:15 PM

Since week Thursday, today is the first day I have felt okay within myself although still sore throat and head ache... its been dreadful, laying on towels to stop soaking the bed for three days

Never had anything like this before in my life, also lost 10lb in the last week as not eating at all, just sucking water like a fish.

phelpsa - 18/12/10 at 03:36 PM

Yep! Started on tuesday with a sore throat/enflamed tonsils, then really bad headaches, stiff neck, dodgy stomach etc. All good today though

scudderfish - 18/12/10 at 03:44 PM


David Jenkins - 18/12/10 at 04:06 PM

Just keep away from me... all of you!!

I'm just finishing one job, about to start another - I don't need to be ill!

eznfrank - 18/12/10 at 04:47 PM

I'm just starting with it I think - not happy as I have a job interview on Tuesday for a job I've waited for about 5 years to come up!!!

Paul TigerB6 - 18/12/10 at 05:07 PM

Originally posted by snapper

Next worry is the Norovirus, it's in London and moving,

Well there's a surprise - London always has to have everything doesnt it!! The new National Football Stadium would have been far more central to England if they'd put it near the NEC in Birmingham but no, London just had to have it............ and now they have Norovirus too. Well you can keep the stadium and Norovirus to yourselves - i dont care!!

Andi - 18/12/10 at 07:10 PM

In my 9th day. I thought it had gone but last night it came back. 2nd worst I have ever felt.
The missus has it now and she`s just found out she`s pregnant after years of trying.. So
thats more s**t to worry about after seeing on tv that pregnant women are at a major risk.

Ninehigh - 18/12/10 at 08:23 PM

Originally posted by Paul TigerB6
Originally posted by snapper

Next worry is the Norovirus, it's in London and moving,

Well there's a surprise - London always has to have everything doesnt it!! The new National Football Stadium would have been far more central to England if they'd put it near the NEC in Birmingham but no, London just had to have it............ and now they have Norovirus too. Well you can keep the stadium and Norovirus to yourselves - i dont care!!

The virus that caused me to puke for the first time since 1997 can stay in "the centre of the universe"
(not annoyed in the slightest that the closest to here some bands come is Milton flaming Keynes!)

davestarck - 18/12/10 at 10:31 PM

Into my 3rd week, feel much better now. Was coughing so much I pulled muscles in my stomach, bloody painfull!!

mangogrooveworkshop - 19/12/10 at 03:30 PM

My youngster called last night....has taken out her ankle and its a four hour wait for an ambulance.....went and got her and we came out of casualty at 5.30 this morn went in at 11 . Then today the neighbour needed help as his mother in law fell in the snow and broke her leg so a quick drive to rescue his stuck car.