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Favorite sweets?
carpmart - 25/1/11 at 07:58 PM

I'm just enjoying a few Strawberry Bon Bons and they are fantastic!

Whats your favorite?

NigeEss - 25/1/11 at 08:05 PM

Dark chocolate coated caramel toffees, nothing else comes close.

tomgregory2000 - 25/1/11 at 08:07 PM

propper cola cubes!!

SPYDER - 25/1/11 at 08:09 PM

scootz - 25/1/11 at 08:10 PM

Smarties... but my mum doesn't let me have them!

carpmart - 25/1/11 at 08:17 PM

Originally posted by scootz
Smarties... but my mum doesn't let me have them!

Tsh - Mums, they spoil all the fun! A few blues will sort you out!

carpmart - 25/1/11 at 08:19 PM

I've finished the whole 'quarter' now! Bloody lovely! These are Sainsbury's own brand bon bons, sold in 1/4 lb bags, proper old school styleee!

Ninehigh - 25/1/11 at 08:21 PM

Never understood that thing about blue ones (I thought they were just being picky weeds...)

Favorite sweets, hmm there's not much I don't like.. Licorice (sp) is one I can't stand and coconut's on the "no" list.. Aprat from that I'll have pretty much anything

handyandy - 25/1/11 at 08:24 PM

mmmmm yum

midget gems or any choccy mmmmmmmmm


adithorp - 25/1/11 at 08:27 PM

Chocolate limes with lemon sherbets a close second.

RAYLEE29 - 25/1/11 at 08:33 PM

I was an engineer in two local sweet factories and when i started was told id go off them after a while nooo not true
still love fizzy cola bottles, milk bottles and orchard fruits. worked in a rock factory too and we made mint imperials they were lovely too
used to always be eating them lucky to still have teeth lol

interestedparty - 25/1/11 at 08:35 PM

Liquer chocolates. Can only get them at Xmas time,so I make sure I buy enough to last me though til autumn at least.

Daddylonglegs - 25/1/11 at 08:42 PM

These babies

Might explain why I've got very few teeth left!

Ivan - 25/1/11 at 08:48 PM

Originally posted by interestedparty
Liquer chocolates. Can only get them at Xmas time,so I make sure I buy enough to last me though til autumn at least.

I'm with you on this one - but also enjoy Rollo's

austin man - 25/1/11 at 08:50 PM

drumstick lollies

balidey - 25/1/11 at 08:59 PM

I like to avoid sweets and chocolate for a couple of weeks, then anything tastes like a real treat. Otherwise its just another sweet.
Personally I like Cadburys Twirl. Crunchie. Not had Rhubarb and Custards for years, they take me back to my school days.

Originally posted by scootz
Smarties... but my mum doesn't let me have them!

I know someone who took up motorsport in his 70's as 'his Mum never used to let him race'. She died and then he though 'well I may as well take it up now'

designer - 25/1/11 at 09:09 PM

I used to fetch 'assorted nut cubes' for my granny when I was a kid. Havn't seen them for years.

Now, when in Uk, I get wine gums, but they have to be Lion wine gums.

[Edited on 25-1-11 by designer]

bi22le - 25/1/11 at 09:09 PM

I love rich expensive chocolate, Belgiun choc or truffels.

Im not a big fan of real sweets. . . . . . but I will eat one if offered!

MikeR - 25/1/11 at 09:10 PM

Offficially(*) it has to be Uncle Joe's Mint Balls - made the same way for a hundred years and still only contains 3 ingredients in this age of additive this and preservative that!!!!

Unofficially, tangtastics

(*) i'm from wigan, they're made in wigan, its the law!

Confused but excited. - 25/1/11 at 09:54 PM

Originally posted by carpmart
Originally posted by scootz
Smarties... but my mum doesn't let me have them!

Tsh - Mums, they spoil all the fun! A few blues will sort you out!

Very subtle.

My favs are either Bailey's or Thornton's Continental Rum Truffles.

If you eat enough, they will make you sick.

flibble - 25/1/11 at 10:04 PM


blakep82 - 25/1/11 at 10:06 PM

see orange smarties, do they taste different to the others?

RichardK - 25/1/11 at 10:10 PM

Originally posted by SPYDER

I'm with Spyder on this one!

