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Specs Wearers - Best Sunglasses for Driving?
RazMan - 2/5/11 at 08:30 AM

I really miss my prescription sunglasses when driving (lost them last month) so I am looking for a good make to go and buy. I really want something that is a good all round type that can be worn when driving but not look like goggles so I can wear them while walking around.

I looked at the Dixon Rx Outback while at Stoneleigh and they look pretty good. Any other ideas guys?

[Edited on 2-5-11 by RazMan]

BigLee - 2/5/11 at 09:52 AM

Depends on your budget. If you want the best, get Serengeti. They won the WhatCar? awards and were primarily designed for driving. (I am biased though as I am a sales rep for them! - although in all honesty, I would wear them regardless of who I worked for they are that good) Prescription would be around £400 though. If you are on a budget, just get something with a brown tint but get polarised as that makes a massive difference for cutting out glare. Loads of online places to sort some cheap.
Ultimately, it is down to the lens material. Although polycarbonate is super tough, it's visual properties are not as good as others and is prone to cracking over time either due to stress or chemical. Cheap CR39 acrylic is better. Otherwise nylon (Trivex NXT) or toughened mineral glass (don't be afraid of glass - it doesn't break anywhere near as easy as you would think!)

RazMan - 2/5/11 at 01:19 PM

Thanks for the info BigLee ..... but £400?

I was thinking about something a little .... erm ... more modest. Probably about £150 (we don't get THAT much sun in the UK

BigLee - 2/5/11 at 02:10 PM

£150 should get you something quite good so long as you do it online. If you go highstreet with that much you won't get much, unless you do a bogof at Specsavers! u2u me if you need anything specific. I may be able to get thing a little cheaper working in the trade.

RazMan - 2/5/11 at 04:00 PM

U2U sent matey