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When I grow up, I want to be an accountant... (Advice wanted!)
Steve Hignett - 9/6/11 at 11:29 AM

Hi All,

It's a pretty horrible story, so I'll not share it on here, but as of yesterday I am out of work.

I am hoping that we can legitimately scrape enough by from family/working/child tax credits added to the £4k+ per year that we'll save from 2 days a week at the nursery for Josef, so that we won't risk missing any mortgage payments.

Obviously I'll have to become a stay at home dad/house husband which for those that know me, will find quite humourous and I'm not sure that I'll cope, but I'm going to give it my best shot...

My next step is to prepare for the stage after this 6/12months at home and actually qualify in an industry which will offer a secure future for my family. (I am talking to someone to pursue a more suitable career path in engineering/composites etc - but this is me trying to look at all my options.)

So, are there any accountants on here, or partners of accountants that would be willing to offer some useful advice please?Of course a few U2U's with guidance and knowledge of which qualifications will get me to specific positions would be great, and then maybe the odd telephone chat would be hugely appreciated...

Thanks in advance for advice and guidance...



MikeR - 9/6/11 at 11:33 AM

My partner is an accountant - unfortunately she's up to her eyeballs at the moment. If you don't hear back from anyone on here in a few days I'll try and get to spend a few minutes writing an email.

The summary is - you need to get qualified, to qualify you work your bottom off as a junior and study at the same time. Once you're qualified you then work your bottom off. Accountants are the first hit in a recession and usually one of the first hired when companies start to grow.

JonnyS - 9/6/11 at 12:08 PM

I'm a chartered accountant with 15 years experience. Fire away with the PMs. I can't promise to be too fast, with a recently arrived baby to also deal with, but I'll try

Steve Hignett - 9/6/11 at 12:10 PM

I should have added my prev. education to the post - Basically I have none, well none to mention.

My last qualification does not even include a degree. I have 'A' Levels and started Uni. but at the time Education was not for me, so I started working.

Obviously now I have to start again if I want to pursue a professional career...

scootz - 9/6/11 at 12:18 PM

What about going back on the doors???

Dirty work at times and can be a complete and utter PITA, but pays reasonably well and Milenah will be home to look after mini-Hignett in the evenings???

scootz - 9/6/11 at 12:22 PM

Forgot you have a bad back though. I guess you don't want to be wrestling drunken ar*eholes with a dodgy spine.

Steve Hignett - 9/6/11 at 12:46 PM

Not just that though Scott, last time I was on the doors was before you needed qualifications for it! So some time ago! Oh and the money is def not the same round here!

motorcycle_mayhem - 9/6/11 at 03:02 PM

Know how you feel, unfortunately I have extensive scientific qualifications (PhD, etc.) which makes employers look elsewhere. Last job (14hrs/week supermarket) was terminated when someone recognised me..... so much for leaving things off your CV. At 50yrs old, I'm on the scrapheap. Nice. Savings run out, house repossessed....
'My' industry, Chemical, is on the scrapheap.

I'm now in the 'Care Industry', I spend 14hrs/week at two care establishments (full time job unavailable anywhere....) on the minimum wage, emptying old people's urine bags, wiping bottoms and removing other extraneous matter.
It's incredible, the 'Care Industry' is booming, just so much work....
Just a thought.

adithorp - 9/6/11 at 03:52 PM

Sorry to hear that, mate.

Guinness - 9/6/11 at 04:37 PM

Hi Steve,

Sorry to hear that you're no longer in employment and I hope you find something soon.

However, being a professional is no longer a guarantee of a job for life.

It's been 3 months since I had to lay myself off (don't ask). I've got loads of experience, industry relevant qualifications and cards as a Project Manager in the Construction Industry.

I've applied for 120 jobs in the last 3 months. I'm too qualified to be a labourer (been turned down for labouring jobs isn't good for morale), and the higher up the building trade you go, the more specialised it becomes. When I apply for a job, there always seems to be someone who has more experience in schools / timber frame / residential / retail* available who gets the job.

*delete as applicable

I'm still trying the construction industry, because it's all I've known for the last 18 years. However, at some point I realise I might have to change tack. If I do, I hope it'll be for something that'll be stable and hold my interest!

However, if you are sure accountancy is for you, I'm seeing a mate who is an FD of a multimillion pound company tonight.

He did accountancy at Uni, then worked as an accountant at PW. I'll check with him what the job market is like / training etc.

lewis - 9/6/11 at 04:58 PM

Sorry to hear about your job situation mate,you sounded like a top bloke when I spoke to you on the phone and hope your back on your feet soon. :-(

Ninehigh - 10/6/11 at 02:45 PM

I know there's not a lot about but if you still have that SIA licence there'll be something in your vague area going for "gatehouse" security. Pretty much minimum wage and 12 hour shifts (at least) but it's a sit-down job (so you won't be ruining your back) and if you get somewhere like I have (essentially abandoned when I'm in) you spend all night watching dvds, being on and spamming forums. You can then "study from home" while you're bored, I mean working.