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Android phone anti virus
matt.c - 28/6/11 at 06:09 PM

What is the best anti virus to use on my android phone?

Would prefer a free one but would be prepered to pay for a good one.

Thanks locosters


David Jenkins - 28/6/11 at 06:38 PM

I've got a free version of AVG on at the moment - too stingy to pay for an upgrade!

[Edited on 28/6/11 by David Jenkins]

britishtrident - 28/6/11 at 07:16 PM

Using AVG free version for now. Whenl Avira produce a droid product I will buy that.

Avoid LookOut not real free version just an expensive program with Windows style time limited free download

philw - 28/6/11 at 07:19 PM

I just had a read of

GRRR - 28/6/11 at 08:37 PM

I use Lookout, really pleased with it. Has the 'find my phone' feature too