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My Charity bike ride - dig deep - donations required.
zilspeed - 8/9/11 at 07:22 PM


The time is just about here for my charity bike ride.

As a recovering former Bat Fastard this is the challenge of a lifetime for me.

We're doing Glasgow to Loch Lomond and then back again and it's on the 17th September.
This would be a short training ride for many people, but I've never done anything like this before.

We're raising money for Marie Curie Cance care.
You don't need me to explain the need to donate to this charity, so I won't bore you with the details.
Cancer affects every single one of us in one way or another.

Here's how you can donate, it's very very simple.

Log on to just giving and donate via paypal.

Here's the page to make a donation.

Or pick up your mobile, it's sitting there right next to you and donate via text.
How easy is that ??!!


followed by the amount in pounds to

And you're done, so for example.


to 70070

Instantly donates £2 to the charity. Simple and the donation goes straight to the charity and you and I never have to handle the money.

Now, here's the good bit.

I need to raise £100 for this, but I'm kinda hoping I can blow that target right out of the water.

Anything you can do would be very very much appreciated.

Thanks for reading.

John F aka Zil.

[Edited on 8/9/11 by zilspeed]

adithorp - 9/9/11 at 07:20 AM

Done. Enjoy the ride. Hows the training been going?

TimEllershaw - 9/9/11 at 10:52 AM

...and another couple of £s from me, for a great charity.

Stay safe in the city bits and enjoy the views when you get out into the countryside.

Good Luck.

zilspeed - 9/9/11 at 11:37 AM

Adi / Tim thank you both for your donations.

Training is going sufficiently well that we should be ok.
That's what I'm telling myself anyway.

I think I have enough miles under my belt now at a sufficently fast enough pace that keeping up shouldn't be a problem.
As long as I can finish along with everyone else, that'll do for me.

Thanks again for your generosity, it's really really appreciated.



zilspeed - 9/9/11 at 03:34 PM

Nearly there.

My modest target of £100 has nearly been reached as we're now at £91.

Only £9 to go and I'll shut up and stop bugging everyone.

See above for details on how to donate money to Marie Curie Cance Care.

mcerd1 - 16/9/11 at 01:57 PM

Free bump...

have fun

[Edited on 16/9/2011 by mcerd1]

adithorp - 16/9/11 at 03:11 PM

Have fun tomorrow. Don't be tempted to push too hard at the start just to keep up. It makes the suffering at the end a lot easier to deal with, when you're catching/passing those that started too fast.

zilspeed - 16/9/11 at 03:59 PM

Thanks for the advice Adi.

That's what I intend doing.

I'll be like Cav, staying out of trouble in the slow moving bunch only without the last 100 metre sprint

Some cyclist bloke from the states(1) had this to say, apparently.

"Pain is temporary. It may last a minute, or an hour, or a day, or a year, but eventually it will subside and something else will take its place. If I quit, however, it lasts forever."

(1) I won't say his name out loud, I know how divided the cycling world is on him, but we all know who I mean. It's definitely a good mantra though.

Fozzie - 16/9/11 at 04:59 PM

Good luck Zil ......Have a great day .... but remember to pace yourself .... !
I hope the weather is kind to you all......

I didn't realise you had a thread about it on well as FaceBook ....


zilspeed - 16/9/11 at 05:45 PM

Locostbuilders is bigger than FB, everybody know that.

Fozzie - 16/9/11 at 06:24 PM

Originally posted by zilspeed
Locostbuilders is bigger than FB, everybody know that.

Oh surely is! ......and better!

zilspeed - 17/9/11 at 07:41 PM

Job done.

It smarted a bit at the end, but there you go.
Maybe it's got to hurt a bit to make it a challenge.

I remembered Adi's advice to enjoy the view and not to just look at the front wheel.
Well, sme of the time anyway.

Thanks for the generous donations.
They'll help to continue the good work of Marie Curie cancer care.



Fozzie - 17/9/11 at 07:47 PM

Well done Zil .....

Most awesome dude.....


adithorp - 17/9/11 at 07:49 PM

Nice one!

JoelP - 17/9/11 at 08:30 PM

Well done john. I say that having no idea at all how far you've just peddled, but i salute the effort spending a day doing something for a good charity.

zilspeed - 18/9/11 at 10:02 AM

Originally posted by JoelP
Well done john. I say that having no idea at all how far you've just peddled, but i salute the effort spending a day doing something for a good charity.


56 miles.

Not a huge amount to a whole load of people, but quite a distance for me.

Yesterday, I was shattered.
Today, I'm a bit sore but pleased it's behind me.