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Anybody in Cad/CAm land able to do a reverse engineering drawing for me?
NS Dev - 10/10/11 at 09:38 AM

I'm after a reverse engineering drawing for a sump.

Wondered if anybody out there could fit it in in their evenings/night shift etc for a "significant cash incentive".

Basically I would supply the sump, and would be after a 3d CAD model of it for a casting mouldmaking firm to work with.
Its a complicated shape that would take forever to measure manually, would really be a cmm job, and probably 5 axis at that.

For obvious reasons I'm not expecting this to be a tenner!! I will be offering a significant cash reward!

I would also then be interested in cnc machining the moulds, but that's further down the line and I can get that done at a reasonable price anyway

hicost blade - 10/10/11 at 10:49 AM


I may be able to help, have you got any pictures



marco - 10/10/11 at 11:35 AM

Same here, a pic may help.

violentblue - 10/10/11 at 01:50 PM

I could do it, but the shipping would kill you.
Located in the sunniest part of Canada.