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Samsung Galaxy S2 or iphone 4s 16gb
brookie - 2/12/11 at 05:40 PM

ok which one should i get, im ready for an upgrade again

ChrisW - 2/12/11 at 06:04 PM

A Samsung what???

(ie iPhone. There is no alternative!)


greed1 - 2/12/11 at 06:07 PM

I'm waiting for the 5 next year hopefully

Wheels244 - 2/12/11 at 06:25 PM

iPhone 4S

Cue the Apple haters

brookie - 2/12/11 at 06:26 PM

Originally posted by ChrisW
A Samsung what???

(ie iPhone. There is no alternative!)


this one

dunk3 - 2/12/11 at 06:29 PM

Brookie ive got the galaxy s2 cant fault it , plus your not tied to itunes for your music.

splitrivet - 2/12/11 at 07:42 PM

Iphone 4 then jailbreak it, your not tied to anyone.

ASH3 - 2/12/11 at 08:01 PM

Galaxy s2 you should see how many iphones go back for repair ask any parcel
collection company!

brookie - 2/12/11 at 08:41 PM

can u copy and paste music over with the i phone 4 i got load on my phone mow and want to move it over when i get one

stuleah - 2/12/11 at 09:20 PM

i asked this question in the shop, he basically said you are paying for the apple logo and the android phones will do what most people want from them. i got the lg optimus 3d in the end and well impressed with it. Also free app for music downloads.

welderman - 2/12/11 at 09:30 PM

Love my 4s

Wadders - 2/12/11 at 11:04 PM

According to Siri, you should buy a bag of potatoes

Originally posted by brookie
ok which one should i get, im ready for an upgrade again

orton1966 - 3/12/11 at 07:25 AM

Firstly, I have an I phone and do think it’s OK

What I can’t believe is the snobbery and status people attach to them an example:

My business partner brought one for his wife, as her main 40th birthday present, she had a blackberry on contract but didn’t really like it and couldn’t switch (for free) for another 6 months or so.

The question: would she have been so happy if she had opened the box to find a HTC or Samsung, would he have even thought to buy her one of the alternatives, probably not!

Basically, to them and many others, irrespective of how “good” an alternative phone is it was as much about saying “look I’ve got the new I-phone 4”

For the record, my contract was up, I went in to the phone shop wanting some other phone but the one I wanted was out of stock so I took an I phone 3 (the 3s was just out), so I got a good deal on the regular 3 8gb, it’s been good, I think it does what it says on the tin but it is still just a phone!

Davey D - 3/12/11 at 09:05 AM

Ive upgraded recently from an iphone to a galaxy s2, and I have no regrets what so ever. Yes my iphone was jailbroken, but my galaxy s2 does all the things that I wish my jailbroken iphone would without having to mess around. It has a bigger screen, feels a lot lighter than an iphone, especially the iphone 4. You can take the back off and add an extra memory card, or swap the battery. You can plug it into your pc where it appears as a storage device so you can drag and drop your data/music to it without having to go through the painful process of itunes. You can use it to tether an internet connection out of the box, even on payg. With an iphone 4 you will have to swap to a micro sim if you dont already have one. If you opt for phone insurance it seems to cost more fir the iphone.

Anyway... Galaxy S2 anyday of the week

Davegtst - 3/12/11 at 09:25 AM

I have an S2 and my wife has had the last 3 iphones. Shes a die hard apple fan and would never admit that my phone is better but i caught her the other day talking to a friend saying mine is better. The s2 can do everything the 4s can and more plus most of the apps are free whereas most of the apple apps cost money. Get the 4s if you want the badge, get the s2 is you want the better phone.

40inches - 3/12/11 at 10:13 AM

Unbiased opinion here

scudderfish - 3/12/11 at 05:25 PM

If you have a Megasquirt and get the S2, you can use my app to log it over bluetooth iPhone can only really use bluetooth for headphones and car kits, not data.

stevebubs - 3/12/11 at 05:33 PM

Just had that quandry and gone down the Galaxy S2 route. Had a Galaxy S prior, and have played with plenty of iPhones.

Functionality-wise you'll not notice much difference between the S2 and iPhone on a day to day basis - a number of the much heralded features "just" available on IOS 5 have been on the S2 for ages and are (arguably) more usable on android (e.g. access to notifications from the lock screen)

My personal hangup is the snobbery, overpricing and forced lock-in to iTunes on the Apple devices.

Hardware-wise, there's not much between the 4S and the S2. However, one goes for £380 and the other for £700....

[Edited on 3/12/11 by stevebubs]

britishtrident - 3/12/11 at 06:47 PM

Funny thing when I filled out the census form I never saw a box to tick Religion: "Church of Jobs".
Although it seems heresey to some and at risk of being branded an "Apple Hater" there are good techie devices out there that doesn't have an "i" as the first letter, if everything else was rubbish Apple would not be embroiled in some many court battles around the globe.

The truth followers of Apple have a lot in common with Caterham buyers, Catherhams are good cars but the buyer gladly over the top for what they get.
For most of us It pays not to get brand obsessed

Me I am happy with my humble Orange San Francisco, if i had to replace it it would be the latest upgraded version or an Orange Monte Carlo I realise better (more expensive) more bling (even more expensive) phones exist but in terms of bang per Android buck I already have everything I want.

[Edited on 3/12/11 by britishtrident]

stevebubs - 4/12/11 at 09:30 PM

Originally posted by britishtrident
Funny thing when I filled out the census form I never saw a box to tick Religion: "Church of Jobs".
Although it seems heresey to some and at risk of being branded an "Apple Hater" there are good techie devices out there that doesn't have an "i" as the first letter, if everything else was rubbish Apple would not be embroiled in some many court battles around the globe.

The truth followers of Apple have a lot in common with Caterham buyers, Catherhams are good cars but the buyer gladly over the top for what they get.
For most of us It pays not to get brand obsessed

Me I am happy with my humble Orange San Francisco, if i had to replace it it would be the latest upgraded version or an Orange Monte Carlo I realise better (more expensive) more bling (even more expensive) phones exist but in terms of bang per Android buck I already have everything I want.

[Edited on 3/12/11 by britishtrident]

Agreed, BT - my other half shunned the S2 in favour of an Ace, and my daughter has a Fit.

Now while it may seem we're Samsung-obsessed, we did very carefully look at the other options available - SE, HTC, Motorola etc

cjwood23 - 5/12/11 at 09:55 AM

Just upgraded from a steam powered Nokia to the Galaxy S2 - love it, the screen is brilliant, the GPS is superb!
Used it this weekend in London and only ever took a couple of seconds for the GPS to lock on and display on gmaps.
The 8mp camera is pretty good too. I also wan't tied to having to get a £30+/month contract which I would have been if I wanted an iPhone.

Go and have a play with both, and see what you think.

[Edited on 5/12/11 by cjwood23]

britishtrident - 6/12/11 at 10:35 AM

GPS alone justifies a smartphone, it came in very useful on a recent trip to Malta finding poorly sign posted sites and beaches.

Particularly if travelling abroad to avoid roaming charges it is worth try some of the other GPS navigation programs which can pre-cache map tiles.
There are loads of good GPS apps around but after trying various GPS map programs I settled on Coderminus Maps(-)