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Very sad tale to be taken as a warning
woodster - 24/12/11 at 03:58 PM

Very sadly last week a very good friend of mine suddenly died, he was just 50, we last had a pint together last Monday when he was in great form we were talking about the future and how much he was looking forward to next year, Thursday evening on the phone he complained to his girlfriend about chest pains she told him to phone an ambulance if the pain didn't go, she phoned him back a few minutes later to see how he was, he didn't answer so she went around to his flat were sadly she found him dead on the bathroom floor , just wanted say chaps if you get chest pains don't wait to get it checked out any delay could be fatal ......... R.I.P Andy B

[Edited on 24/12/11 by woodster]

jacko - 24/12/11 at 04:08 PM

Very sad sorry to read this


fullpint - 24/12/11 at 04:33 PM

That it sad but I guess it's a man thing... When do we ever go to the doc's with health issues?
Mind you I do think that the near we get to the big 50 I think we then realise that we are not getting any younger..
RIP Andy

Surrey Dave - 24/12/11 at 04:50 PM

Lost a good friend of mine in similar circumstances , it was a tremendous shock.

Take it easy........................

perksy - 24/12/11 at 04:57 PM

Had a mate die when we were playing football once
Was talking to him and then a couple of minutes later it was all over
Terribly sad and his 2 sons were watching on the sideline

Found out later that he'd been complaining of chest pains the week before

So definatly get checked out chaps, better safe than sorry

Proby - 24/12/11 at 05:23 PM

On 4th Feb this year, we had a call from my father in law. He said he felt unwell and had we heard from his wife as he could not get hold of her. An hour later we had a call from the mother in law. She had returned home from the gym and found him dead on the living room floor with his mobile in his hand. A great shock to me and the mrs, at 58 he was much too young to go. You never know what is around the corner. Live for today.

RIP Andy B.

rusty nuts - 24/12/11 at 05:43 PM

My younger brother had chest pains about 5 years ago and sister in law took him to A and E where he arrested, had it been anywhere else he wouldn't be around today.

matt_gsxr - 24/12/11 at 06:02 PM

Sorry to hear your news.

Worth making sure your basic life support training is up to date. Amazing what people can do in the time before the ambulance arrives.

MikeR - 24/12/11 at 06:36 PM

My uncled died at 56 from a massive heart attack.

If you feel the pains phone the ambulance, if your feeling a bit stupid phone NHS direct. A friend phoned NHS direct for his Mother in Law, they immediately realised how serious the situation was and within 5 minutes an ambulance was at the door.

If possible phone from a landline - they can usually trace the location of the number so even if you don't get to say your address they should still be able to get to you.

Sorry to hear about your friend.

coozer - 24/12/11 at 06:55 PM

My dad (52) was sitting on the settee, got up and asked if anyone wanted a cuppa, one step and fell down... doctor said he was stone dead standing up... mam took 3 years to go with motor neuron.. I know which one I want.

Merry xmas,

woodster - 24/12/11 at 09:22 PM

It's been incredibly hard for all of us who knew him he was so happy and full of life, the funerals Friday and I really don't know how we'll get through it ..... Thank you for all your kind posts ...... Merry Xmas woodster

liam.mccaffrey - 24/12/11 at 09:49 PM

RIP very sad mate, makes you realise you should make the most of the time you have.

I waited for 3 months before getting the pain in my abdomen looked at....... it was cancer........they said if i'd waited another month they wouldn't have been able to do anything.

I ended up needing massive surgery, chemotherapy and a bone marrow transplant lasting most of 2008. I'f i'd gone in in the beggining I'd have only needed a 3 month run of chemo.

If you think something is wrong trust your instinct and get it checked.

steve m - 24/12/11 at 11:04 PM

I can not add any words, but RIP

and at 51 myself, feel vulnable


sorens2 - 25/12/11 at 02:06 AM

Sad story....

I have a deadly liver disease thats beeing held down by pills.
Lost my dad to cancer.
My mom had cancer but is well now.

I live life every day.

Life before death? - I´m doing it right now.

Soren S2

RichardK - 25/12/11 at 08:17 AM

Yes sad time indeed, especially this time of year, RIP Andy.

As has been said before you really must appreciate the time you have on this planet with the the people that matter.

One of my favorite motto's is "Adventure before Dementia" and is one of the reasons we've come over to Oz, enjoy your time, its not a trial run.

Best wishes


bobinspain - 25/12/11 at 01:10 PM

And my wife wonders why I'm daft enough to order a 'toy' at my age (63).

Time really is a healer, regarding your late friend woodster.

We were out to lunch yesterday with the widow of my ex-golfing buddy and his two daughters. He was my age and was admitted to hospital following a 'routine' check-up (ecg). He was scheduled for a replacement valve but was literally worried to death over the operation. It was supposed to be a routine procedure, inasmuch as these things can be, but he fretted so much about the impending op' he had a massive heart attack and died in hospital.

[Edited on 25/12/11 by bobinspain]