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OT - Music Festivals...
mcerd1 - 11/7/12 at 10:06 AM

Way off topic I know but here goes anyway...

Last weekend was my 8th year running at T in the Park, but I'm not a happy bunny this year

The weather was the worst its ever been (at least while I've been going), but that would have been fine if the line-up had been alot better !
so for the first time ever I've not booked my advanced ticket for next year, as I'm getting fed up with paying more and more for less and less
(over £200 this year for 60 less bands than last year and the drink is suddenly £4 a pint !!! )

so the upshot of this is I'm looking for a new festival - any suggestions ?

scootz - 11/7/12 at 11:41 AM

None! They're all pants!

Save your pennies and make a weekend of seeing your favourite band play a nice foreign venue instead.

Hope this helps!

A1 - 11/7/12 at 11:46 AM

bloodstock - its f*cking ace!

MikeR - 11/7/12 at 11:59 AM


ok so its expensive but go wednesday and make a very long weekend of it.

bi22le - 11/7/12 at 11:59 AM

After being at Glastonbury for the last 4 or so years Im feeling your pain.

Glasto cost approx £500 for a long weekend. THere are many holidays you could go on for that. .

Personally I would condsider a festival in another country or just go to a motorsport abroad.

The best festival in the UK is a local one, You dont want to be driving home for 8 hours after having no sleep and dancing for 4 days straight!

mcerd1 - 11/7/12 at 12:15 PM

Originally posted by scootz
None! They're all pants!

Save your pennies and make a weekend of seeing your favourite band play a nice foreign venue instead.

Unfortunatly its not just me and the GF has slightly different taste in bands...

she nearly disowned me just because I don't like the foo fighters (I think the foo's and Dave himself are highly over rated)
and next month she's dragging me to glasgow too see Bush FFS

so a choice of several bands is needed

scootz - 11/7/12 at 01:46 PM

You just need to find some common ground Robert... PEARL JAM!

Was at their Manchester gig a couple of weeks back... it was epic!

mcerd1 - 11/7/12 at 02:39 PM

Originally posted by scootz
You just need to find some common ground Robert... PEARL JAM!

Was at their Manchester gig a couple of weeks back... it was epic!

She has got some taste you know - she can't stand Peal Jam either

wilkingj - 11/7/12 at 04:00 PM

My son raves about something called Download at Donnington Park.

He saw Black Sabbath a few weeks ago, cost him a fair bit though.

I saw Black Sabbath for 5 shillings (25p) in Kings Lynn Corn Exchange... Bloody good they were!

I saw Status Quo for 25p at melbourn village College, and then about 10 years ago for FREE at Alton Towers.

Oh well, I saw some good bands when I was young, and it didnt cost a fortune then!
Ahh sensible prices then!

I'm a bit too old for these gigs, as I understand its not a good idea to leave your front row place to go and have a pee... you can never get back to the front row again.

morcus - 11/7/12 at 04:24 PM

I went to the Hop farm the week before last because an old friend wanted to do a feastival and I didn't want to travel (It's less than an hour from my house) And they had a great Varied line up with people like Peter Gabriel, Bob Dylan, Billy Ocean through to the likes of Maximo Park and Bruce Forsyth, and had alot of smaller band on in little stages. I personally prefer a single stage feastival as you can see everything, as it was there was only one clash that bothered me and that was Bob Dylan and Peter Hook on at the same time, I think I picked the wrong choice watching Dylan on the main stage and should have watched Hook in the little one.

I met Gary Numan whilst watching Peter Gabriel, and his set in a tent was awesome.

I forgot that I hate camping, this is the first time I'd been to a pop feastival (I've been to folk feastivals and to bike feastivals many times in the past) and it was the first time I'd been to one where you park in one field and camp in another and the camping was just a free for all and far too loud, didn't help that I couldn't sleep in the car. If I went again I'd go home each night.

It cost me £160 for the weekend, which was a good deal as there were alot of acts I wanted to see and it would have cost way more to see them seperate (Especially Bob Dylan).

Simon - 11/7/12 at 04:25 PM

From what I heard tickets to the Hop Farm (Paddock Wood) were selling so slowly that one family the inlaws know got in for a fiver a head.

Still a bit rich for my liking



twybrow - 11/7/12 at 05:50 PM

I'm off to Global Gathering later this month, but it doesn't sound like your kind of music! I cant wait - I am currently a festival virgin!

bi22le - 11/7/12 at 05:56 PM

Originally posted by twybrow
I'm off to Global Gathering later this month, but it doesn't sound like your kind of music! I cant wait - I am currently a festival virgin!

GG is epic. Never been myself but I have seen the state of some close friends when they came back.

They looked like me after 2 weeks in IBIZA except they got to that state in a week end!!!

Enjoy yourself, be safe.

daniel mason - 11/7/12 at 06:37 PM

i used to do v festival. always thought its a great line up. killers and stone roses this year. and loads of good old bands!