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Estimating cost of re-tiling a roof?
David Jenkins - 20/5/13 at 06:37 PM

Does anyone have a formula for estimating the cost of re-tiling a roof? I'm talking about an ordinary pitched roof with cement tiles - just a rough estimate is required, without extras like replacing woodwork, gutters, etc. Just a length x breadth x height sort of calculation would do.

The reason I ask is that a couple of my neighbours have had their roof done by one of those companies that pressure-wash the existing tiles then spray with some form of plastic gunk. Not that I'm thinking of having it done - just that these neighbours are the sort of people who brag about having stuff done and try to encourage me to do the same! This treatment isn't cheap, and I'm reasonably sure that you could get the roof re-tiled for not a lot more money. Also, the companies involved look significantly dodgy, and I would touch them with somebody else's barge pole!

coyoteboy - 20/5/13 at 06:59 PM

I was hunting around some time ago and was getting prices in the region of 5-10K for the roof of my semi.

However someone local to me was quoted over 30K for re-roofing of the same size. I think it's best just to get a quote or 10.

If it were going to cost me more than 10K I'd just take some time off and do it myself.

[Edited on 20/5/13 by coyoteboy]

zilspeed - 20/5/13 at 07:47 PM

These prices are about 5 years out of date.

I used to regularly see roofs around 70m2 getting retiled for around £3,500 to £4,000.

That's a regular sort of price to see for retiling a roof up here.

David Jenkins - 20/5/13 at 09:21 PM

Thanks zilspeed - that's the sort of price guide I was expecting. I'd have to do a quick measuring job, just to confirm the area of my roof (same size as the neighbours' ).

The main reason I asked was that these people are doing these roofs at 'a special price' of over £4,000! If my roof ever starts to leak (not something I'm expecting just now, touch wood) I'd prefer to get the whole lot replaced, even if I have to pay a bit more than that. At least it would be good for another 45 years... and I doubt that the roof coating would last that long... especially as my next door neighbour had to call them back to fix the leak that he didn't have before they did their work...

[Edited on 20/5/13 by David Jenkins]

JoelP - 20/5/13 at 09:44 PM

I had a quote a few months back, 7x7m semi, £3.5k for tiles, scaffold, gutters, soffits etc. That was in Bolton.

zilspeed - 21/5/13 at 06:18 AM

Concrete tiles turn friable with aging.

There Is no amount of spray on sealer that can undo that,

This treatment is for the easily impressed.

If the tiles are actually OK, replacing cement ridges and verges with dry systems along with a clean down is a worthwhile investment.

Ridge and verge are prime sources of leaks and deterioration of the roof.

chukki - 21/5/13 at 12:01 PM

Nice information really useful for viewers