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Please make sure you put 'Spoiler Alert' if it is!!
Jasper - 8/6/13 at 08:59 AM

As the crappy ITV has postponed coverage of yesterdays final TT race and I'm not going to get it to see it now till tomorrow can any posts with anything about the results be mentioned in the title, I darn't even look at the two TT threads today just in case there is.

Gonna have to avoid all news/cars/lads web sites today just to make sure!

Thanks chaps.

MsD - 8/6/13 at 09:11 AM

I looked at what I thought was a unrelated post before and I think its given the game away! I mean, who would've thought it was won by Valentino Rossi!!


[Edited on 8/6/13 by MsD]

fha772 - 8/6/13 at 09:17 AM

I couldn't believe that John Surtees came out of retirement at his age, and managed to come second, on an Areil of all things!!!
(I always knew that the square four was a good engine...)

[Edited on 8/6/13 by fha772]

[Edited on 8/6/13 by fha772]

scootz - 8/6/13 at 09:23 AM

I couldn't believe that bears poo in the woods!

General rule of thumb... if you don't want to know about something, then stay away from any post relating to the subject... whether it has 'spoiler alert' in it or not!

Jasper - 8/6/13 at 09:40 AM

Yeah, of course, but it's more about people posting it in the title of a thread so when you open the section it's there is front of you....

morcus - 8/6/13 at 09:43 AM

TBH your best bet is to avoid the internet completely, I'm having the same issue with F1 as alot of outlets have a habit of putting the result on the front page before it's been broadcast on BBC.

Jasper - 8/6/13 at 09:50 AM

Yeah I know, but it makes for a very boring day in my shop when we're quiet!

I blame bloody ITV, no live coverage and 30 hours after the race when it's finally broadcast, tossers.

scudderfish - 8/6/13 at 09:50 AM

Originally posted by fha772
I couldn't believe that John Surtees came out of retirement at his age, and managed to come second, on an Areil of all things!!!
(I always knew that the square four was a good engine...)

But losing to Murray Walker is nothing to be ashamed about.

spiderman - 8/6/13 at 10:35 AM

It has already been let out of the bag I clicked on a post "well done ... ...." thinking it was about someone passing the IVA but proceed to inform all about the result before 9.00pm last night. Cheers for that.
It looks like the post has been removed now, but how many times do people have to be told about spoiler alerts?

daniel mason - 8/6/13 at 12:34 PM

i deleted it when i realised some people were not aware of the result.

adithorp - 8/6/13 at 01:38 PM

Originally posted by daniel mason
i deleted it when i realised some people were not aware of the result.

You didn't need to delete it; Just make the title obvious what it's about without giving the result away. "TT result" would do, "TT result (spoiler)" would be better.

daniel mason - 8/6/13 at 02:04 PM

probably would have been,so i will congratulate him again tomorrow evening or monday when most people should have heard the result.