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Mo Farah Vs Usain Bolt
AndyW - 30/7/13 at 08:32 PM

Ok, so here is a little discussion we have had at work. Mo Farah has challenged Usain Bolt to a race for their charity. It's been agreed that they run 600m. Usain Bolt has always declined adding the 400m to his forte, whereas Mo Farah would struggle with the 100 and 200m sprint? So who will it be. Lets see what the collective think and look forward to the race.

coozer - 30/7/13 at 08:34 PM

Mo Mo Mo go go go...

DarrenW - 30/7/13 at 08:52 PM

Mo is FANTASTIC. Thoroughly good bloke and awesome athlete. I'm biased as he is British.

In a 600m race, oooooh, tough call, too close to Bolt's comfort zone I reckon. HOWEVER, my lungs would be all for Mo! He is as mad as a fish and unbelievably positive so could win. Worth a tenner bet.

theduck - 30/7/13 at 08:53 PM

I would say bolt. As has been said its nearer his distance. 1500m and it would be a very tough call.

DarrenW - 30/7/13 at 08:55 PM

Bolt is Epic, but mo is the man! Mo, Mo, Mo Mo, MoMo, MoMo, MoMo, Mo

JoelP - 30/7/13 at 08:57 PM

I'd vote mo. Bolt has an awful lot of muscle to pull round with him, and it takes a lot of energy to use it all. Plus mo is bloody quick despite long distance being a more sedate affair.

ianm67 - 30/7/13 at 09:02 PM

Farah to win by at least 10 metres. In the 3000 metres he won at the weekend (first time he's run this distance I think..?) he ripped a world class field apart and ran the last 400mtrs in 55 seconds. He carries no weight and has a surprising turn of speed. Ultimately its for charity, lets hope that they put on a great show !!

AndyW - 30/7/13 at 09:03 PM currently shows odds of:

Mo Farah 4/6
Usain Bolt 11/10

yahshuatwo - 30/7/13 at 11:26 PM

Two different atheletes, two different fortes. It will never happen.

scudderfish - 31/7/13 at 07:34 AM

The pedant in me gets annoyed at the hyperbole calling Bolt 'The fastest man on Earth'. That would be Andy Green. If you limit it to human powered propulsion, he's slower than cyclists and running he's only fastest over a trivial distance and would be slower than a lot over a marathon.