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Back from 2004!
dai1983 - 20/8/13 at 08:20 PM


I joined the site nearly ten years ago as I was seduced by the "build a 7 car on the cheap" book. I actually ordered a kit and bought carbs, c20xe, seats, 13 inch supites and broke a donor sierra. Then some local scumbags broke into my single garage and stole my tools. Dad persuaded me to cancel the kit as it wouldn't be safe left alone by the local idiots and he considered it dangerous.

Logically (or not) I took my bike test and have had a few sports bike since. I've also found a wife and we have a young boy who is my world. I've always wanted a kit car and look on jealously when I see one go by. My son is too young to go on the bike and to be honest I have lost the love for two wheels since becoming a responsible adult. My taste in cars has also changed as I fancy a more full bodied car such as a Fury/mev replicar/j15. Not locost choices but this forum is a mine of information and I thought I would say hello. Again...

JoelP - 20/8/13 at 08:24 PM

Similar to my story, except I never left, and didn't take up bikes! But welcome back anyway.

bi22le - 20/8/13 at 08:52 PM

Bad times, and welcome back old timer.

I nearly didnt bother getting another kit when i smashed my pride and joy to bits with an armco. I had only owned it about a month or so.

But I waited untill the next winter, searched hard and am mege glad I brought one. Im 3 years further on and with a little one my self now I simply would not be able to convince the other half. Instead, she comes camping with me when I go to far and distant tracks for track days.

Happy times!

nick205 - 20/8/13 at 09:00 PM

Welcome get busy building

dai1983 - 21/8/13 at 07:52 AM

Thanks for the welcome back! The hard part is deciding what to build. I keep changing my mind all the time. Need to go to a show and see what's about

Mr Whippy - 21/8/13 at 10:05 AM

Love the, dad considered the car dangerous so I got a motorbike instead....

adithorp - 21/8/13 at 11:05 AM

Welcome back. Sounds like a Fury with a bike engine would be a perfect fit.

Are you thinking of building or buyinng? With the IVA and registration costs and complications, it's often advised these days that, buying a built car, getting some use out of it while working out what you like and don't about it and then rebuilding to your spec' is a good a better idea than building from scratch.

Mr Whippy - 21/8/13 at 11:32 AM

Originally posted by adithorp
Welcome back. Sounds like a Fury with a bike engine would be a perfect fit.

Are you thinking of building or buyinng? With the IVA and registration costs and complications, it's often advised these days that, buying a built car, getting some use out of it while working out what you like and don't about it and then rebuilding to your spec' is a good a better idea than building from scratch.

Also chances are you'll buy one vastly less than it cost to build

Daddylonglegs - 21/8/13 at 12:11 PM

Welcome back

I agree with the above regarding the IVA, it's a nause and damned expensive (especially when it takes 2 goes like mine did ).

I scratch-built and IVA'd, glad I did, but would not do it again, my next one will be an already registered project

Good luck with whatever you choose, and lots of pics please

dai1983 - 21/8/13 at 02:11 PM

Originally posted by Mr Whippy
Love the, dad considered the car dangerous so I got a motorbike instead....

Yeah he was also having kittens about me buying an Exige in 2009 and was releived when I bought a sensible car and a Ducati instead! Even funnier was that I planned all of this when in Afganistan.

I have considered buying built but again I am unsure if I want front engined or mid hence the interest in a J15. Also full bodied cars seem to be rare second hand. I have access to a pretty decent workshop and handy with tools so that's not a problem.

As ill be using it on the road I'd rather a car engine to be honest as I'd just worry about the bike gearbox.

adithorp - 21/8/13 at 02:47 PM

Six years of road, track and European touring abuse so far on my R1 powered car with no ill effects. Don't believe all the propaganda put out by the BEC haters; They're not as fragile as some people would have you believe.

dai1983 - 21/8/13 at 04:56 PM

Fair one. Guess I will have to try and get my bum in a couple of cars to make my mind up.

adithorp - 21/8/13 at 07:03 PM

your location to your profile and you might get some offers of rides. If you can get to Donington show this Sat/Sun you might blag a ride or two.

dai1983 - 21/8/13 at 07:20 PM

It's north west Devon. Arse end of nowhere but it's a nice place to live. Am planning on going to Exeter later in the year so hopefully it will be decent.

Xtreme Kermit - 21/8/13 at 08:42 PM

Originally posted by Mr Whippy
Love the, dad considered the car dangerous so I got a motorbike instead....

Welcome back...

My dad didn't want me to have a dangerous air rifle, so allowed me a 4' 6" recurve bow...