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OT - Business online storage solution needed
twybrow - 20/1/14 at 01:01 PM

There is rarely a question that the LCB's forum cant provide answers to, so here goes....

We currently have a server in our office which hosts all of our storage. Currently we have about 50gb of data (we are a small UK setup). However, I am closing this office and going to move to a scenario where we will be working from home (and from a facility in a shared building in Nottingham). Therefore I need to find a method of storing this data, that can be accessed from home, as well as from China (where the rest of the company is based). With the Great Firewall of China, certain pieces of software just don't work well (anything Google for example), but Dropbox works brilliantly. I was considering moving all of our data onto a Dropbox for business account. This would give us the hosting of the data, and lots of other benefits such as version control, restricted access, file sharing etc. Has anyone done similar? I know that Dropbox had a security issue in 2012, but AFAIK that is now dealt with.

Are there any other alternative systems I should be considering? Is cloud storage the right way to go?

Your thoughts are welcomed!

TimC - 20/1/14 at 01:07 PM

Depends how small you mean by small but these guys come recommended:

twybrow - 20/1/14 at 01:27 PM

Originally posted by TimC
Depends how small you mean by small but these guys come recommended:

They had appeared on my radar as a very secure provider. FYI we are 3 people in the UK, and one more (UK employee) in China.

YQUSTA - 20/1/14 at 02:17 PM

I can't help with cloud computing but how do the costings stack up against having a server in one of the houses?

nick205 - 20/1/14 at 02:21 PM

DropBox works well for us, 23 UK office + 3 UK home + 14 China office. Primarily used to share files between UK and China and occasionally with customers instead of an FTP site. We do however have all our files on our own server as well, so not solely reliant on DropBox.

gremlin1234 - 20/1/14 at 02:49 PM

dont forget that you can encrypt a file before saving it to dropbox,
but do also keep copies that dropbox cant get to. - (since it can mirror activity between machines, delete on one deletes everywhere)

twybrow - 20/1/14 at 04:08 PM

Fair question Ian - to be honest, I don't want a server sat at home whirring away all the time. I am happy to work from home, but I do not have a home office, so I don't really have space for a server. We could potentially put one in our Nottingham lab, but again, space is at a premium.

It would be a 100% cloud based system, although I would probably back it up onto an external hard drive once a week to make sure we were not royally screwed if Dropbox (or other system) went down.

Good to hear from someone (nick205) who uses Dropbox to China - we have also found it to be very quick and reliable.