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Hit and run help
INDY BIRD - 24/3/14 at 05:04 PM

Hi all

Some bugger reversed into my wife car today denting the side door badly and then drove off,

Got the reg no and reported to police but can you get details of person who owns the car from Internet any way,

Any help would be great,


owelly - 24/3/14 at 05:12 PM

Google the reg number and enter it in Ebay search bar. You may get lucky!? Spread it about on Facebook and Twitter. But the plod will have all the details so just get it off them!

chrism - 24/3/14 at 05:12 PM

Not legally I dont think, you did used to be able to fill a form in and send it to the DVLA but I dont think this situation is covered under their data protection policies for tracing the current owner of a vehicle.

Clamping companies and councils, etc I think can look up peoples details for sending out fines etc, but again have to go by Data Protection.

Best bet is to leave it to the police since you have now reported it and let them trace the driver/car.

INDY BIRD - 24/3/14 at 05:20 PM

Thanks for reply chaps,

Will see what police say,

YQUSTA - 24/3/14 at 05:21 PM

Speak to the DVLA, I know of someone who had a situation and the DVLA gave them the contact details address etc of the registered keeper. you may have to fill out a form.

coyoteboy - 24/3/14 at 06:46 PM

You only have to pay and have a legitimate reason for wanting the info, hence its freely available to clampers.

[Edited on 24/3/14 by coyoteboy]

snapper - 24/3/14 at 06:50 PM

You have reported to the Police
You have a crime number
Now report it to insurance
Do not go round and get in an argument, you will then become the protagonist and loose the moral high ground
Leaving the scene of an accident is an offence
Actual bodily harm is more of an offence

INDY BIRD - 24/3/14 at 07:36 PM

Have left it with the insurance to deal with it.

Wasn't looking to argue etc was hoping it might be local chap And would have explained to the owner, as it was a tree surgeon tilt bed truck but my wife couldnt get the company name of the van,

Thanks any way

INDY BIRD - 24/3/14 at 07:36 PM

Have left it with the insurance to deal with it.

Wasn't looking to argue etc was hoping it might be local chap And would have explained to the owner, as it was a tree surgeon tilt bed truck but my wife couldnt get the company name of the van,

Thanks any way

mark chandler - 24/3/14 at 10:07 PM

From experience I would not hold out much hope for recompense, no one was hurt, police will regard as a civil matter and unless you have protection on the insurance policy they will lose interest unless the other party confess.

Andi - 24/3/14 at 10:39 PM

The wifey and I were at the train station on our way for a 3 week holiday abroad.
Some chap rammed into an old BMW whilst reversing out of a parking bay, and instead of stopping and straightening up
he just kept going backwards until he had wrecked the whole side of the car, despite us shouting at him to stop. Then he drove off.
We wrote our phone number on a bit of paper along with the offending reg number, left it under the windscreen wiper of the BMW and forgot about it for 3 weeks until we switched the phone back on. The Police had left a few messages and came round to see us.
We then went to court and he was done for leaving the scene of an accident (and to which he said he didnt even know he had done it...yeah right).
This was only a couple of years ago so I think it should be about the same course of action for yourselves.


coyoteboy - 24/3/14 at 10:57 PM

Friend of mine has a "leaving the scene" prosecution against them, which was levelled after they were spotted (by the owner) accidentally hitting a headlight of a parked car while navigating out of a parking space. Fined, paid damages and now has to declare on insurance etc.