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I hate to throw stuff away
bi22le - 14/6/14 at 01:27 PM

After only about 3 years our Ligik induction hob (LINKHOB10) just stopped working last night. We had not used it for a couple of days so dont know exactly how or when it went.

Being confident in fixing (or trying to) anything I checked the power supply, which was ok, and then decided to check for internal fuses.

I located a 2A internal fuse that had blown. Due to its fitment it was not an easy outin job so after getting some parts from Maplins I replaced it.

Wired it all in. . . . POP! a transister further down the line popped. I cant be bothered to replace that.

A new hob is £180, a new power circuit board is £65. Im 80% confident replacing the board will fix it but cant wait for the parts. Its a case of having to buy a new one and throw the old one away.

I dont want to buy the part and then sell it as working as I may not get my £70 quid back on flea bay.

Just a bit gutted that electronics go wonkey sometimes. . . . I hate it when something cant be fixed.

David Jenkins - 14/6/14 at 01:42 PM

It's when you replace the PCB and find that it was a faulty induction heater coil that blew it in the first place - THAT'S when you get REALLY annoyed!

Irony - 14/6/14 at 06:29 PM

Not sure I'd like messing around with the hob. To many amps.

chrism - 14/6/14 at 08:19 PM

For the sake of £115 difference get a new one with warranty thats guaranted to work and wack the faulty one on ebay for a few extra quids.