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making a swimming pool - locost related
MikeR - 7/2/05 at 10:46 PM

Guys, as per this thread link to other thread I need to build a swimming pool in a garage. I was thinking of getting a large pond liner and just placing it inside the garage, filling with water and hoping the walls can cope. Its only got to be deep enough to cover just over half a chassis.....

will it work, where would i get a linner big enough to cover a 4 car garage ?

locoboy - 7/2/05 at 10:52 PM

Thats a poo load of water.

Could get liner from pond liner manufacturers although it will be expensive.

chunkielad - 7/2/05 at 11:01 PM

How about brush on zinc plate from Frosts - GOT TO BE EASIER AND CHEAPER!!!!

krlthms - 7/2/05 at 11:08 PM

Originally posted by MikeR
Guys, as per this thread link to other thread I need to build a swimming pool in a garage. I was thinking of getting a large pond liner and just placing it inside the garage, filling with water and hoping the walls can cope. Its only got to be deep enough to cover just over half a chassis.....

will it work, where would i get a linner big enough to cover a 4 car garage ?

A while ago I posted an idea, only half in jest, of using a "semi-dry" method for electrical coating/stripping, using a gel laden with an ionic substance sprayed on your structure, instead of using liquid immersion. The post was in a thread to do with electro- rust removal.
I am at work and can't elaborate, but if anyone is interested we may be able to do a pilot experiment.
Have a look at my previous post and get back if you are interested.

MikeR - 7/2/05 at 11:15 PM

guys guys guys.........

you're missing the point, easier, cheeper ..........

if i wanted easy and cheep i'd save up for 10 years and buy a caterham !!!!!!

anyway, what about getting some rubber sealent and just painting NS_Devs garage till its water tight? Ok it means the deal about him getting the pond afterwards is a bit tenuious but what does he need a garage that big for? put a few fish in and it would be nice covered swimming pool / pond.

Of course the other option is to get lots of old carrier bags, airfix glue and ..... well should take more than a few hours to make a liner!!!!!!

NS Dev - 7/2/05 at 11:18 PM

can't write..............laughing too much!

Volvorsport - 8/2/05 at 12:10 AM

get good at GRP

mangogrooveworkshop - 8/2/05 at 01:35 AM

Sell you a pond or use the blue plastic that builders use for damp proofing its tough and is cheeper than pond liner. search the electro sites and on the one is an american who does a whole trailer.

barrie sharp - 8/2/05 at 08:19 AM

Wont the water rush out when you open the doors to get in

James - 8/2/05 at 10:27 AM

Just carry it down the road to the park and dip it in with the ducks.


MikeR - 8/2/05 at 01:09 PM

yeah but where do i get the electricy supply for the the electroplating and won't people object when the ducks all come out gold after plating?

aaah, just realised, thats how you get gold fish

colibriman - 8/2/05 at 01:29 PM

yeah but where do i get the electricy supply for the the electroplating

street lights are useful......

you're missing the point, easier, cheeper

ok,ok...her's another idea.....

find a coo farm (AKA dairy - makes stronger sh**) .....

ask where their slurry pit is.....

using anchor chain tied to your chassis (not rope as it might disintegrate and you don't wanna jump in after it..) ....
just lob it in...

that stuff will rot will come out shining.. ok, and might whiff.....A LOT!


MikeR - 8/2/05 at 03:25 PM

yeah but then people will be telling the truth when they say "goes like shit".

So anyway, Nat, how about we dig a slurry pit in your garden, lined with builders blue plastic and call that your swimming pool? Just think of the pool partys you can have in the summer! Just don't forget to,
a) not invite your girlfriend
b) remember to invite lots of babes
c) make sure i'm free !

stephen_gusterson - 8/2/05 at 07:57 PM


if your in there, the wall give in and the roof comes down..... you are crushed, drown or are poisoned by whatever you had in the 'pool'




put yer name and adress up - someone might wanna buy the car as a going concern from your widow

MikeR - 8/2/05 at 09:07 PM

Aaah, i'm not that daft,

a) not married
b) not my garage
c) i don't intend going inside the "indoor pool" whilst its full of water, just open the door to let the water out when its done

plus the garage is on solid foundations so it should hold, i mean we're only talking enough water to cover half a chassis. 2 foot at most.

stephen_gusterson - 8/2/05 at 10:05 PM

in that case go for it!

but set up a video camera.

you will either end up on candid camera, or on the darwin awards

or, it may just work!



Simon - 8/2/05 at 11:51 PM

If a plastic swimming pool can go on the lawn and be a couple of feet deep?

I'm not commenting any further

Good luck



[Edited on 8/2/05 by Simon]