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New BMW 3 Series
Genesis - 28/12/05 at 01:28 AM

Get's voted worst looking car for 2005

Top Gear December 27, 2005

Shocked me - for a beemer I think they are quite nice.

For instance, this is (f)ugly!:

[Edited on 28/12/05 by Genesis]

[Edited on 28/12/05 by Genesis]

dl_peabody - 28/12/05 at 03:58 AM

That looks like the pontiac aztec....Ugly as sin though

If if went like a rocket and handled like an Lotus Elise and got the mileage of a VW Lupo and was reliable as a rock,,,,I am not sure I could over come the "UG - LY factor".

derf - 28/12/05 at 04:29 AM

I guess I'm the minority, i like it, looks like it has a purpose just sitting still

SixedUp - 28/12/05 at 09:25 AM

And that purpose is .... ? Scaring horses? Providing useful employment for car-crushers? What on earth was the designer smoking?!


britishtrident - 28/12/05 at 11:27 AM

Obviously built to give Rover 25 Streetwise owners an upgrade path.

What substance are car stylists abusing ?

mangogrooveworkshop - 28/12/05 at 05:55 PM

Looks like my father inlaws rover

steve_gus - 28/12/05 at 07:58 PM

The new 3 series looks crap - as does any current beemer excluding the six.

Im my view, the best looking 3 beemer was the one before last - I had a W reg one. The 'facelift' one thats just been replaced (i had an 04) was OK but had a more blunted look.

The current model just looks like a block of butter that someones slashed at with a knife.

Dont take top gear seriously - they talk boolocks most of the time. Something one of them likes one week is hated by same person the following week.

Its contrived entertainment - no where near as spontaneous as we are expected to believe.



Genesis - 28/12/05 at 11:52 PM

Mango - I liked the old Rover 75 you mean?