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Is this safe?
jestre - 10/1/06 at 10:48 PM

k33ts - 10/1/06 at 10:53 PM

yea them two round bits at the top are special cameras for the driver

mak - 10/1/06 at 10:54 PM


The suicide doors? or the humungus big block who's supercharger blocks a teeny bit of the drivers view?

mangogrooveworkshop - 10/1/06 at 10:55 PM

What a waste of a nice motor

ReMan - 10/1/06 at 11:01 PM

Who gives a sh1t if its safe, its lovely

emsfactory - 10/1/06 at 11:02 PM

If your gonna die why not do it in style, blind at 150mph.

stevec - 10/1/06 at 11:16 PM

Doesnt matter if you like it or not,you have to admire the effort that has gone into it.
Well done mate.

stevec - 10/1/06 at 11:16 PM

But it aint safe!

Triton - 10/1/06 at 11:37 PM

only safe if you wear a jonny on yer head.
But damn fine car i must say

skydivepaul - 10/1/06 at 11:42 PM

Its only safe as long as you use the correct fuel...........nitro methanol with a shot of nitrous

fookin ACE

andyps - 11/1/06 at 12:06 AM

There is a suitable guard on the fan at the front so i think so

raccoonradar - 11/1/06 at 12:07 AM

safe ? wait till he puts the bonnet on

Simon - 11/1/06 at 12:10 AM

Anyone remember the Model T called "Andromeda" from the 70's/early 80's - similar problem.

Thoroughly impractical, but superb nonetheless.



Danozeman - 11/1/06 at 06:30 AM

Luvly car. Or course you can see. Drive with your head out the window.

Surrey Dave - 11/1/06 at 09:45 AM

What a monstrosity!!!!.

Waste of time .expertise,money.

Must have an incredibly small knob

gazza285 - 11/1/06 at 11:35 AM

I would imagine the torque reaction might make it fall over.

pajsh - 11/1/06 at 12:39 PM

Looks like a nice donor to me.

jonbeedle - 11/1/06 at 03:59 PM

That's hilarious!

quattromike - 11/1/06 at 06:19 PM

it's for driving along with the car completly submerged in water with just the snorkle showing
