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good golly miss molly I cant believe it !
zxrlocost - 10/2/06 at 01:42 PM

Some bloke who gets paid loads to think these things up for the F.A.

has come up with the best idea of this century he is expected to get a huge pay bonus and the rest

yes ladies and gentleman these people are so far out of touch with the real world

he woke up yesterday and thought Feck me Ive got a good idea lets have an Englishman as the English football team manager wow wee Im so good!!!

hes also expected to be knighted as its so sensible..

hear hear they say

dave1888 - 10/2/06 at 02:36 PM

Hmm is that why there number 1 target is an Irishman Martin O'Neil

[Edited on 10/2/2006 by dave1888]

zxrlocost - 10/2/06 at 02:37 PM

they classed english as UK/ireland

DorsetStrider - 10/2/06 at 02:45 PM

Oh c'mon lets be fair here.

It's long been common knowledge that the FA are a bunch of muppets and you can't blame muppets for thinking like....well....erm....muppets.

Just for the record my 1st choice is an englishman too.

dave1888 - 10/2/06 at 04:03 PM

There not as bad as the SFA (Stupid Fciukn Arses) wee up and brewery spring to mind.

steve_gus - 10/2/06 at 08:10 PM

it doesnt matter what nationality they are. They just need to do the job.

If you were to put an ad in the paper for a job, and say English only, wouldnt you get prosecuted?



Simon - 10/2/06 at 08:55 PM

I think banning football would make the world a better place.



[Edited on 10/2/06 by Simon]

Chippy - 10/2/06 at 11:28 PM

Now your talking Simon. Somebody once rated foxhunting as "the unspeakable in pursuit of the inedible", I think this applies equaly to football, and footballers.
Once it was a game, now it's just about money, and the poorer for it. Think I should go and hide under the bed now.

MikeRJ - 11/2/06 at 07:58 AM

Originally posted by Simon
I think banning football would make the world a better place.

Amen to that.

Marcus - 11/2/06 at 01:02 PM

I'm with Simon, Mike and Chippy on this one.
It's only a GAME for gods sake.


steve_gus - 11/2/06 at 11:37 PM

if they banned footbal, they would also have to ban that sport where cars follow eachother around a track for a couple hrs whilst people watch nothing much happen.

Football has a degree of unpredictability. Last week Middlesborough lost (was it 5 - 0?) when this week they beat Chelsea 3 - 0 !

Thats like Minardi ripping through the field and beating Ferrari. The last time I remember something like that was when Damon lead the field in an Arrows until something broke a lap from the end



[Edited on 11/2/06 by steve_gus]