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Ebays sellers other Items
carlgeldard - 10/2/06 at 06:54 PM

Sorry but when I find something on ebay I always look at other items. So be careful what you list, because you could be posted on here just like this E- bayer

[Edited on 10/2/06 by carlgeldard]

Jon Ison - 10/2/06 at 06:58 PM

mmmmmmm, not a LCB i hope.

wot i dont understand is why our lass wants too borrow £30......

[Edited on 10/2/06 by Jon Ison]

emsfactory - 10/2/06 at 07:47 PM

How can you have a fast smart car?

andyharding - 10/2/06 at 09:09 PM

Fookin hell. Nuff said.

ed_crouch - 10/2/06 at 09:11 PM

The guy sounds like a loser


Peteff - 10/2/06 at 09:33 PM

From that angle she could be anybody's wife Is she after a set of darts Jon ?

[Edited on 10/2/06 by Peteff]

Jon Ison - 10/2/06 at 10:11 PM


Coose - 11/2/06 at 01:29 PM

That's his wife? I thought it was a monkey's head!

phillippe - 11/2/06 at 02:23 PM


MikeRJ - 11/2/06 at 04:09 PM

What a tosser.

steve_gus - 11/2/06 at 11:33 PM

could he have picked a more unflattering pic of his wife?????

hes still on auction at 99p. Hope some fugly fat bird gets him for a quid



rabiddog - 11/2/06 at 11:55 PM

what a tosser!

At least this guy seems to have a reason for his posting

Good job i didnt do that when my wife did that tho lol

