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Who's addicted to locostbuilders?
donut - 22/2/06 at 07:41 AM

Ok, who felt lost and was twiddling their thumbs when locostbuilders was down the other night?

Who spends far to much time on locostbuilders and should be out in the garage?

Who has locostbuilders as their homepage on their browser?

Are you addicted to locostbuilders?

bimbleuk - 22/2/06 at 08:16 AM

If checking up on posts most days is addicted then yep count me in. Then again I have plenty of time while at work and also check some other forums as much too!

I'm actually inspired to do more to my car (or at least not bodge things) after seeing the top building efforts on here.

Fred W B - 22/2/06 at 08:33 AM

Count me in too - Check in most lunch times.


Fred WB

ned - 22/2/06 at 09:14 AM

no comment

jacobeon - 22/2/06 at 09:32 AM

Yes, twice a day and three times a day at the weekend. Maybe thats why after six years the car still isnt finished. The damned site is too interesting !!!!!!!
Regards Alan.

Marcus - 22/2/06 at 09:33 AM

I didn't miss it the other night, BUT I was out.
Then again, it's 9.30 am and I'm here........yup count me in


jimmyjoebob - 22/2/06 at 12:18 PM

Me too!

Drawing inspiration from other people's ideas is my excuse and I'm sticking to it.

flak monkey - 22/2/06 at 12:21 PM

Just a bit, I am nearly always online if I am at my computer and usually check several times a day. I missed it the other night and just now when it wasnt working for me!


omega 24 v6 - 22/2/06 at 12:34 PM

Apparently I am, according to swmbo.
What i should really be doing is keeping her company when she is watching soaps.
I don't talk to her enough but when I do it's while she's trying to listen to her soaps and i'm told to shut up.
Still at least I know it's me thats wrongand an addict (or was that a dick)

oliwb - 22/2/06 at 12:49 PM

Yes, but only as a means to avoid writing my dissertation! Practicaly online all day every day at the moment as most of our lectures are "off" so that we can "private study" for our dissertation....which for me involve locost builders or house sitting for my mum while she goes off to far flung exoctic places (read - Utah) and building the car......oh yeah and getting in a note over insurance, registration and sva.....Oli.

mac1ZR - 22/2/06 at 12:59 PM

No not addicted at all, only check it out about twice a day!!

mookaloid - 22/2/06 at 01:16 PM


I have a window open most of the time on my desktop at work, and I often have a look or two in an evening.....

Maybe I should seek help

emsfactory - 22/2/06 at 01:22 PM

Yep. Check all the time. Got the shakes the other night and joined PPC forum this morning to try and find out what was happening.

nick205 - 22/2/06 at 01:43 PM

usually online and reading up on what people are up to

makes you wonder how many man work hours are frittered away really

Surrey Dave - 22/2/06 at 01:47 PM

I could put together a self help support group!!!

Surrey Dave
Community Support Worker

trextr7monkey - 22/2/06 at 01:51 PM

Check site on a regular basis- justified on the basis that a little and often is better than trying to sit down and read an encyclopedia all in one go!

donut - 22/2/06 at 03:49 PM


I could put together a self help support group!!!

Yes dave and we could meet once a month.....say 1st Sunday of the month at Newlands corner, You getting the tea in?

Danozeman - 22/2/06 at 03:51 PM

I always have alook here all days a few times a day and most evenings. I havent got a garage so its my evenings car fix.

Peteff - 22/2/06 at 04:11 PM

When the site went down the other day I went onto Atomfilms and watched videos. I don't think I'm addicted, I read lots of other sites. I couldn't get on here earlier this morning so I read the news and some other sites. It's handy if you need anything, I've bought some shocks and stuff just lately which would have cost me another £130 anywhere else and have had various items in the past from other locost builders. I'd miss it if it went but it wouldn't be the end of my world.

DorsetStrider - 22/2/06 at 04:16 PM

Me Addicted???!!!!

I'm not addicted, I can give up anytime I want! I just don't want to! erm....

Yeah there a support group?

big_wasa - 22/2/06 at 07:46 PM


I think time on here equals time not spent on the car but then again

Deckman001 - 22/2/06 at 07:49 PM

Originally posted by omega 24 v6
Apparently I am, according to swmbo.
What i should really be doing is keeping her company when she is watching soaps.
I don't talk to her enough but when I do it's while she's trying to listen to her soaps and i'm told to shut up.
Still at least I know it's me thats wrongand an addict (or was that a dick)

That sounds familiar !! sadly too familiar, Yep that's me addicted then as well


JoelP - 22/2/06 at 08:58 PM

thats exactly what i get...

Trev D - 22/2/06 at 09:10 PM

Yep me to.

907 - 22/2/06 at 09:22 PM

My missus says,

"Get off that pooter an get out in that garage".

Half hour later she pops her head round the garage door and says,

"I've made a cuppa. Put it next to the pooter".

Paul G

bob - 22/2/06 at 10:50 PM

I think i'm in denial

robinbastd - 22/2/06 at 10:58 PM

Originally posted by bob
I think i'm in denial

That's a river in Egypt isn't it?

I'm addicted. I'm hoping my new garage will ease the cravings.

Triton - 22/2/06 at 11:08 PM

Argh but with a router in the garage

steve_gus - 23/2/06 at 08:19 PM

not me

its taken several years and im still not past 1000 posts



chrisg - 23/2/06 at 08:44 PM

I never come here, you can catch scurvey off the internet you know?



soggy - 24/2/06 at 12:01 AM

guilty as charged!