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NO room for error
Fred W B - 13/4/06 at 01:26 PM

I don't know about old, but these guys are certainly bold!


Fred W B

Fred W B - 13/4/06 at 01:28 PM


Fred W B - 13/4/06 at 01:29 PM


EViS - 13/4/06 at 01:31 PM

Is that definitely not a photoshop ? One slight mistake/drop would flip a plane like that nose first for sure .

Fred W B - 13/4/06 at 01:37 PM

I also wondered if it wasn't a photoshop, but if you look at the top plane in the second pic it has one wheel in the water, and one out. If it was photoshopped, it's very well done


Fred W B

Fred W B - 13/4/06 at 01:41 PM

Its detailed here

link to

4. See the approach and landing. WOW WOW WOW!!!!!!!!! To all who see these images, they are not made-up but a true stunt performed by the Flying Lions Formation Aerobatic Team. These images will let your eyes pop out as you see four World War II era 2500kg trainers ski across a dam. YOU MUST SEE THIS TO BELIEVE IT! You must be logged-in for this. You will find the images on page 1 of the gallery: click here.


[Edited on 13/4/06 by Fred W B]

graememk - 13/4/06 at 01:53 PM


Chaz - 13/4/06 at 03:46 PM

V. Impressive! But you have to remember there is a good amount of resistance from the water at that speed and with those tyres. Still be awesome to watch.

MikeR - 13/4/06 at 04:16 PM

at about 80mph water is described as being like concrete (well i remember this from a powerboating commentator so its probably very subjective).

I suppose it can only be done if the water is mirror flat, as any waves would spell the end in a big way.

Ian Pearson - 13/4/06 at 05:59 PM

Read an article years ago about crop sprayers in Sudan doing the same thing. Need a steady hand and a good eye for that sort of thing.