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free power
stephen_gusterson - 11/5/06 at 08:46 PM

yeah right



JoelP - 11/5/06 at 09:04 PM

how bizarre...

Mike R-F - 11/5/06 at 09:07 PM

I'm sure I saw that in the Tardis last week!

nitram38 - 11/5/06 at 09:08 PM

I like the bit about it will self destruct if the case is opened!

mookaloid - 11/5/06 at 09:13 PM

definitely wierd.....

as in WIERD.........

ed_crouch - 11/5/06 at 09:38 PM

I sent him this as a laugh:


You might like to publish your work to the international Physics community: I am adamant that they will be extremely interested to hear how you have cleverly circumvented the laws of conservation of energy.

You may also like to use your ingenious technology to wake Albert Einstein from his grave, as I am sure he will be enthralled...

Ed Crouch.


JoelP - 11/5/06 at 09:47 PM

maybe he means free as in it doesnt cost you, but he doesnt mention that it requires an input of 1000 degree steam at 800psi.

SixedUp - 11/5/06 at 10:14 PM

And there I was thinking that perpetual motion machines were not practical. How silly of me :-)

stephen_gusterson - 11/5/06 at 10:24 PM

i found that site cos i was looking for a radiation measuring meter - they sell those. However, when they are also selling 140k crap at 2k shipping cost, it kinda puts you off!

did you watch the video? the hand held meter doesnt even indicate what they are telling you in the narrative!



pajsh - 12/5/06 at 12:56 PM

And there is a suspicious looking lead coming out of the back of the "generator" running along the floor between the oil drums.

Can't understand why anyone would bother going to all the trouble. Surely noone is that gullible?