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Van parking?
DIY Si - 1/6/06 at 04:18 PM

Forgive the strange question, but have just been having an arguement with the silly old trout who lives next door. After 6 weeks of me parking my works van on the road outside her house everyday, she's finally had a go at me. She seems to think that it's illegal to park a commercial vehicle outside her house?! I told her where to stick her stupid idea, but did move the van for the sake of stopping her getting bitchy at me again. I have a slight history of her complaining/whinging at me about stuff sher has no right to complain about; such as me angry grinding in my garage (with the doors shut) during the afternoon. This one soon stopped when I suggested working at night when no-one would be awake to hear me! Now then, does she have any right what-so-ever to complain/determine where I park? I live in a quiet cul-de-sac/Y shpaed area, and I live at the meeting of the Y. Parking my van on the road here will inevitably block the road slightly, where as outside her house is much quieter. I cannot park my van on my drive as the deeds to the property forbid it. This was part of the original deeds and cannot be removed. Any suggestions? Other than just mail bombing her/killing the cats etc. She really is getting on the proverbials!

darrenga - 1/6/06 at 04:25 PM

i park my works van on my avenue,as long as you dont park on the kerb she can not do anything about it.
if it has a goods vehicle disc in the window it is a different matter and can not be parked on any residetial road.

mookaloid - 1/6/06 at 04:26 PM

I had a similar problem once. I parked my Transit tipper on my driveway and the neighbours complained to the council that it was unsightly and contravened the covenants on my deeds which were there from when the estate was built. I offered to park it on the (narrow) road outside the house which is perfectly legal but which would make it even more unsightly.

The man from the council suggested that they retracted their complaint as making me park on the road would be worse for them.



MikeR - 1/6/06 at 04:29 PM

don't know all the facts but if one of my neighbours consistently parked his van outside my house i'd have a go. I know i don't own the street but its taking the wee a little. move it around so all neighbours get annoyed but not so much to have a go.

Legally i think there is no law against what youre doing - unless she claims your a nusience neighbour & deliberately having a go.

k33ts - 1/6/06 at 04:31 PM

if you find someone to get rid of your neighbour give me there number as ive got one like that behind me he has the cops out nearly everyweek the wan,ker.
as long as your not paked on the path i cant see a problem.
its not her bit of road.
some people just like arguing theyve got nothing better todo.

rayward - 1/6/06 at 04:43 PM

where i live its in the deeds of the house that no vans/work vehicles can be parked on driveways or access roads.

there is a size limit (poss weight/length) quoted, but can;t remember it.

woth checking your deeds before you take a contract out on her


flak monkey - 1/6/06 at 04:45 PM

So if you are self employed and need a van, where do you keep it?

graememk - 1/6/06 at 04:58 PM

where i like you arnt alowed to park trailers vans boats or comercial anything at the front of your house but are alowed to park at the side of the house, just keeps the place looking nicer. i keep my van at the side, also keep sthe local thugs away at night.

must admin i'd be a pi55ed off if someone kept paking a van outside my house

[Edited on 1/6/06 by graememk]

Hellfire - 1/6/06 at 05:09 PM

There is/was a law which stated that you couldn't run a commercial business from a residential property. Maybe thats from where she got the commercial vehicle in a residential estate view point.

IMO it's not very neighbourly to park any large vehicle anywhere other than a designated parking area. If it was my van, I would have asked my neighbours beforehand.

If you live in a residential area which has council residents the council will have by-laws applied.


[Edited on 1-6-06 by Hellfire]

smart51 - 1/6/06 at 05:53 PM

Some people seem to think that the piece of road out side their house is theirs and that they have a right to park there in preference to other people or that they must be asked if you wish to park there. There is no such rule, so long as you do not block access to their drive, if they have one. I know of no rule that says a car can park somewhere but not a van.

DIY Si - 1/6/06 at 06:03 PM

Cheers for the replies, but I don't think I'll be taking out the contract on her just yet! I only parked the damn thing there so my front garden's grass can grow back. That mean's putting my mgb on the road in front of my house. This isn't a big vehicle and doesn't block the road, but a van is obviuosly somewhat bigger. I would like to find some permanent solution, but just parking it all over the place isn't possible, as every house round here has at least two cars already! Where it currently/used to be is the least obstructive place I can put it, any where else blocks someone's drive way or is directly opposite a driveway. Also, the people across the road often park an even bigger van across the way on a bend, which does block the road, yet no-one complains about this! Probably just have to put up with her being a moaning old bag. Hoping to move house sometime soon hopefully

JoelP - 1/6/06 at 06:27 PM

You can see why she's pissed off though, it annoys the hell out of me when people park outside my house, and i dont even use the roadside! Old people are notorious for complaining about stuff. Id make a point of parking it outside your own house and sod it if the road gets blocked. The deed is ridiculous, but thats another rant

As an aside, one of my tenants in bolton has been banned by the council from washing his car in the road! How much of a pish take is that?!

britishtrident - 1/6/06 at 07:50 PM

Its in your title deeds you agreeded to it when you bought your house, but it can't be enforced my sympathy is with your neighbour.

omega 24 v6 - 1/6/06 at 08:55 PM

Awkward situation when you argue with the neighbours So nip out at 3am with a pot of black paint and black out her windows so she can't see it. A guy used to park his artic outside my sisters house he stayed 6 doors away and could have parked it outside hs own. The BIL got mad and started phoning the guys boss every morning at 2 am and asking him why it was'nt parked at the licensed operators address. After a couple of days it never happened again. I doubt if there is a law for small commercial vans though.

DIY Si - 2/6/06 at 03:19 PM

Even if there were, my official base of ops is my house address. So for the weekend it'll be parked outside my house blocking more than half the road. Any complaints will go straight to next door. And when I brought the house I did a different job and never even thought I'd have a works van, so parking a commercial vehicle of any sorts on my own drive was considered irrelevant. Not even as if she ever parks there anyway. Oh well, if she's that fond of looking at the house across the way she's welcome to the nice view.

dilley - 2/6/06 at 04:38 PM

I think you can park anywhere you like as long as your vehicle does not exceed 3500kg (class 7), I was always told that you can run a buisnes from home as long as you dont advertise from that address.

Liam - 2/6/06 at 06:02 PM

Although you're not supposed to park your van on your drive, you may find that nobody will complain as they prefer it there than on the road. Give it a go then if somebody complains go and shove it outside their house instead
