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Passing driving test
Benzine - 16/6/06 at 11:40 AM

I have a friend who has failed his driving test but wants to pass ASAP. I wondered if anyone knew what the fastest way is? I heard something about intense courses maybe. Do certain places/towns have small waiting lists? He basically has to wait a full month for a retake where he is now and would ideally want one in the next couple of weeks.

Thanks for any info

tegwin - 16/6/06 at 11:43 AM

A few of my friends went out of the county to another test station..However they stuggle because they were very unfamiliar with the area!

The thing to do is keep badgering the local test centre....Somone is bound to drop out...then you can just take their place...

dave_w11 - 16/6/06 at 12:40 PM

When I failed mine I kept checking on the online booking system till I found a cancellation. Apparently Monday and Thursday mornings are best. Dunno if that's true though.

indykid - 16/6/06 at 07:20 PM

in heckmondwike, they now do saturday mornings, at about a £10 premium. needless to say, most people don't want to pay the extra tenner. might be something similar in your area.

also, one of my mates went to scarborough, and another to blackpool, as the waiting list were shorter, and pass rates higher. heckmondwike has one of the lowest pass rates in the country, but i still managed to pass first time there.

another of my friends is on his 5th test, and has tried various places. some people just shouldn't drive!

MkIndy7 - 16/6/06 at 07:34 PM

And sum testers are just tight buggers!

Aparently early in the month is better to take the test as they haven't used up their "allowable pass Quota!".

Like its been said just keep badgering for cancelations!

Oi less of that Tom I passed on me 5th at Wakefield was an absoloute joke and cost me a fortune, and you've seen my car control

indykid - 16/6/06 at 07:55 PM

Originally posted by MkIndy7
Oi less of that Tom I passed on me 5th at Wakefield was an absoloute joke and cost me a fortune, and you've seen my car control

i thought it must've taken you a while to pass when we were on the treasure hunt

you've obviously been very unlucky, or come on a lot then, as i can't fault your driving

trogdor - 17/6/06 at 10:37 AM

there are week long courses u can take, but they are quite expensive, especially as u generally have spend a week somewhere in the uk. when i was looking it was about £700 for a weeks course. this was to learn to drive in a week tho so i guess is not that aapplicaable.

i was going to go on a weeks course, but couldn't afford to due to needing to work full time every holiday at uni. really should of passed before i went to uni! started to learn when i was 17, stopped when i went to uni, am now nearly 21! ans still not passed! oh well its not like i can afford it, and cycling gets me fit. is a 20 mile round trip to my job at the mo!

MkIndy7 - 17/6/06 at 11:06 AM

Originally posted by indykid

i thought it must've taken you a while to pass when we were on the treasure hunt


I put that down to the co-driver not being able to hold the instructions still against a 70mph cross wind .

Other than keep ringing for a cancelation, the only other advice if there not already doing it is to practice and take the test in their own car that way its a car you like and suits you (or you wouldn't have bought it!) and you can practice as often as you can find a willing passenger.
If your upto test standard then all you need is further practice and to be familiar with the car (although not fall into bad habbits!)