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Do you think I was Right or Wrong?
nitram38 - 12/5/07 at 06:33 PM

I have just rented a garage from the Council for storing my F1-2 in order that I can build another car at home.
The garage door has "No parking please" painted on and I have put a sign up saying that 24Hr access required.
A woman who I saw driving around last week in her Polo has today parked her car across my garage.
I wanted to move the F1-2 there when I got in from work this afternoon.
I tooted the horn and no one even looked out of a window of the flats. I made enquires with people entering and leaving the flats and I tried all of the intercoms.
I rang the police who would not get involved because it was council property.
I did manage to open the door and fit a garage defender so I was there for an hour or more.

This is my question: Was I right to write on her windscreen in indelible red pen "NO PARKING HERE!" ?

My thoughts were along the lines of you have totally F"$ked up my plans for today so you can have the bother of finding some thinners to clean you screen !

This is the offending car:


davrus - 12/5/07 at 06:38 PM

You did good there , it must be an illegal immigrant, Other wise they would have read the sign.

Did you write on her screen with perminant maker? that would have taught them!!!!

Well done i say!

theconrodkid - 12/5/07 at 06:39 PM

trolley jack and leave it in the middle of the road

jos - 12/5/07 at 06:41 PM

nope - bang out of order

as far as i'm concerned youve vandalised her car

writing on a piece of paper or scrap bit of cardboard lying around in your garage and leaving it under her wipers would have been a perfectly acceptable way of venting your frustration & showing your dissatisfaction, i'd probably even have been happier with you boncing her car carefully out of the way of your garage door, even if it set off her alarm but scribbling on her windscreen was not the correct thing to do.

You shouldve got in your garage & trolley jacked her car out of the way

[Edited on 12/5/07 by jos]

oadamo - 12/5/07 at 06:42 PM

clamp it leave your phone number and charge her to take it off

nitram38 - 12/5/07 at 06:43 PM

The car is not vandalised, it just needs a clean. No paper to hand or and trolley jack otherwise that would have been my first option.
I couldn't be sure but I think she walked by at one point. Beligerent is the word.

[Edited on 12/5/2007 by nitram38]

nitram38 - 12/5/07 at 06:44 PM

Originally posted by oadamo
clamp it leave your phone number and charge her to take it off

Anyone got one going spare?

oadamo - 12/5/07 at 06:44 PM

you should of write it on the bonnet

JoelP - 12/5/07 at 06:45 PM

vandalising it is fun but creates resentment, very foolish as she may know some vengeful types. Much better to use a tow rope to drag it aside, she might not even realise its moved!

bigrich - 12/5/07 at 06:45 PM

if it had been my garage i would have been well pi55ed off and the polo would have had the boot marks to prove it

Peteff - 12/5/07 at 06:50 PM

She'd have been coming back to 4 flat tyres.

oadamo - 12/5/07 at 06:50 PM

phone the scrapyard tell them to came and pick up your scrap car wink wink

nitram38 - 12/5/07 at 06:51 PM

Originally posted by JoelP
vandalising it is fun but creates resentment, very foolish as she may know some vengeful types. Much better to use a tow rope to drag it aside, she might not even realise its moved!

That's alright. It's lucky she came across me and not some of my mates.
They would have towed it and had it crushed.

martyn_16v - 12/5/07 at 07:05 PM

Security at a site I work at like to leave notes on vans parked where they shouldn't, but they tend to glue them to the windscreen. Tis mightily annoying scraping paper/glue off, but it works, you don't do it again for a good while

I on the other hand used to leave notes along the lines of 'Congratulations on graduating from the Stevie Wonder School of F*ckwit Parking' on cars at the flats I used to live in, it amazed me how difficult some people found it to just drive straight into a parking space

Benzine - 12/5/07 at 07:08 PM

I bought a pack of these stickers

I park like an idiot

Used 2 of them so far. Very satisfying. Keep a few in the glovebox, one folded up in my coat pocket and I'm always armed ^__^

[Edited on 12/5/07 by Benzine]

TangoMan - 12/5/07 at 07:20 PM

Originally posted by Benzine
I bought a pack of these stickers

I park like an idiot

Used 2 of them so far. Very satisfying. Keep a few in the glovebox, one folded up in my coat pocket and I'm always armed ^__^

[Edited on 12/5/07 by Benzine]

Nice but only low tack adhesive. If they did high tack I would get some of these.

Duncan_P - 12/5/07 at 07:21 PM

A bit of a difficult one......

I probably would have kicked it hard enough to see if it was alarmed

Then if not got someone to bring the trolley jack and move it onto some double yellows....

Originally posted by Benzine
I bought a pack of these stickers

lol, got to be getting me some of them....anyone know of a UK supplier?

graememk - 12/5/07 at 07:21 PM

i have a private parking sign at work and pay £50 a month for it, only tonight i glued (spay carpet glue) a paper sign to the drivers window

Duncan_P - 12/5/07 at 07:25 PM

Actually thinking about it....

Someone on pistonheads posted a link a while back to a parking ticket scheme that you sign up for. You had to pay to sign up and were supplied with signs etc and then could issues fines which the company would then persue.......let me try and find the link

Not sure if it would be applicable as it is council land though.....

nitram38 - 12/5/07 at 07:26 PM

So far only one person against what I did.
I like the clamp idea best, but the sticker one is cool if I can get hold of some official looking ones...............

Benzine - 12/5/07 at 07:31 PM

Originally posted by Duncan_P
lol, got to be getting me some of them....anyone know of a UK supplier?

I just bought the $10 pack from the site, shipped from america and it only took about 3 days ^__^

JamJah - 12/5/07 at 08:13 PM

Surely it would have made a donor car and disapeared off this world onto the great shelves they call parts?

Hammerhead - 12/5/07 at 08:38 PM

I would have just found a suitable towing attachment on her car and strapped a rope to it and dragged it out of the way with my own car.


nitram38 - 12/5/07 at 08:44 PM

I am think of putting a sign on my garage along the lines of "cars parked here will be removed. No responsibility is accepted for any damage arising from jacking, towing or rolling over."

[Edited on 12/5/2007 by nitram38]

BenB - 12/5/07 at 08:47 PM

Personally, the "no parking please" bit does it for me.
If it just said "no parking" it'd just be more rules and regulations. But saying please makes it personal and to ignore that is just rude... So go for it.. obviously a selfish byatch.....

Personally I'd open the garage door a few times forceablly ("oh I'm sorry, was that your car outside, my garage door must have banged against it when I tried to open it!" and then bleed your brakes and chuck the old brake fluid out the front of the garage......

Oh well!!!

At the very least I'd use contact adhesive to attach a few sticker to her windows.... It'll come off enough to pass MOT but enough will stay in place to remind her frequently to stop being so fricking antisocial....

JamJah - 12/5/07 at 08:48 PM

How about removing the no parking signage and replacing it with a explosives hazard sign?
Of course any cars in the way can then be accidently torched?

DarrenW - 12/5/07 at 08:56 PM

Originally posted by BenBAt the very least I'd use contact adhesive to attach a few sticker to her windows....

Maybe some accidently spilt adhesive around tyres and road.

TBH i reckon writing on screen is cheeky but not exactly out of order.

Maybe a restricter pushed up inside exhaust would be a giggle. You will never know the outcome but will cause some suitable grief.
Superglue wipers to screen.

Hammerhead - 12/5/07 at 09:02 PM

super glue the locks, get the police to tow it as an abandoned vehicle!!

graememk - 12/5/07 at 09:05 PM

expanding aerosol insulation foam in the rear silencer

DarrenW - 12/5/07 at 09:15 PM

Originally posted by graememk
expanding aerosol insulation foam in the rear silencer

Ooooooh - you bitch!!!! nice idea. That ranks up there with the plastic bag in fuel tank trick.

Thinking about it - just glue up the fuel filler discretely. If a typical small car driver they may not try to fill up til last minute.......... just think about the fuel station grief.
I teckon the best revenge is that which is so discreet the originator wont know where it has come from.

robinbastd - 12/5/07 at 09:43 PM

Nitram - u2u me your address and I'll pop some of these in the post.

no parking pad


oadamo - 12/5/07 at 09:51 PM

get a gas cartridge that you use in the hair curlers and stick it up the exhaust you can get them from boots

nitram38 - 12/5/07 at 10:09 PM

Originally posted by robinbastd
Nitram - u2u me your address and I'll pop some of these in the post.

no parking pad


Thanks for the offer, but I am going to see if things cool off in the next couple of days. If things look like there is going to be a general problem with parking in this cul-de-sac, then I may look elsewhere for a garage.
I am hoping that this little reminder might make people think that I am not going to take any sh*t

nitram38 - 12/5/07 at 10:22 PM

Chris, no car in there yet.
I'll wait this week to see how things go.
I can give a weeks notice to the council, so if this looks like too much hassle, they can have it.
I am not sure but I think this woman came home from the shops and just looked at me while the garage door was open and I was working on the door defender. If she can't be bothered to acknowledge me and her car in the way, I am sure she is not the most amiable person.
I don't really care if she wants a problem or not.
All I will say is that I have a few things lined up if it turns bad.

omega 24 v6 - 12/5/07 at 10:23 PM

I know a guy that stays next door to a church. First week after he moved in someone boxed his drive off at morning service. Bold as brass he walked in and right up to the minister and gave chapter and verse along with the reg no and asked for it to be moved immediately. It was never a problem again.
As the others have said I wouldn't go to far if your not in the vicinity. You could however let down all of the tyres and leave a note on the window saying you "NOTICED" the tyres were flat when you "TRIED" to get your car out of the garage if you need a habd to inflate them call me on ****** etc. as I'd be willing to help you reinflate them using the compressor in the garage that your blocking.

rusty nuts - 12/5/07 at 10:25 PM

Once had a rep park blocking my drive, when asked if he would was told "you will have to wait" . Parked my VW camper 2 inches from his front bumper and a 240 volvo 2 inches from his rear bumper . Went in and had dinner which took an hour , took the dog for a walk by which time he was raving and threataning to call the police so dog had an extra long walk . Then went for shower and change before going out . On leaving told him next time someone asked him to move it may save him 3hours waiting.

nitram38 - 12/5/07 at 10:29 PM

I like the wheel clamp idea and leaving a mobile number, making them wait.

Simon - 12/5/07 at 11:14 PM

Let some air out of tyres and replace with concrete.



MikeRJ - 12/5/07 at 11:14 PM

Originally posted by nitram38
I like the wheel clamp idea and leaving a mobile number, making them wait.

Not condoning the selfish cows actions at all, but clamping her would be illegal as you need to have a license to operate as a clamper.

MikeR - 12/5/07 at 11:55 PM

Having been in a similar situation i can sympathise ........ but .........

you've no idea why she parked like that. She could have been rushing to see an elderly relative whos being taken to hospital in an ambulance. How would you feel if that was you're car you came back too having just spent 24 hours in hospital and your mum dying?

Ok, bit extreme, but you don't know why she did it. Chances are she knows no one uses the garage and parks there cause its convienient but as a first 'move' you should have been more polite. She hasn't broken any laws - you have.

JamJah - 13/5/07 at 12:26 AM

Parking illegally on private property... ok the councils but its private none the less.

JoelP - 13/5/07 at 07:15 AM

not sure it counts as illegal parking. I could leave my car in a neighbours drive and there isnt much (legally) he could do about it.

nitram38 - 13/5/07 at 07:22 AM

The dropped kerb law exists where someone blocks you in.
They can still block you in but they must be available to move the car if asked.
This woman was not available so technically was breaking the law.
The police though were not sure if it was a council road or not.
What is our council tax for?
The police only come out if you actually stab or kill someone!!!!!!!!!!

wilkingj - 13/5/07 at 08:17 AM

Originally posted by MikeRJ
Not condoning the selfish cows actions at all, but clamping her would be illegal as you need to have a license to operate as a clamper.

Also you need a legal sign in a clear and visible place, and put up Before the car is parked.

Writing on their car or anything else would be considered as "Tampering" which is an offence.

Trolley Jack is one of the best, no damage, and not hard to do.

I like the superglue in the tank cap. Delayed action and less traceable.
Trouble is you never know who is watching you these days.

locostv8 - 13/5/07 at 08:42 AM

Make sure you don't peen the end of the wheel lugs and then cut off the valve stem.

At my work place we had reserved parking spots which most everyone observed. Mine was against a fence front & side with my bosses spot next to mine. Someone had a habit of parking in my spot and had been warned. One day the offender did it once too many times. My boss had me park in his spot and he parked his ton crewcab truck on the offenders bumper. Oh did I mention that was the day my boss & I had to go for a week to a company conference on the opposite coast. My spot was never violated again.

oadamo - 13/5/07 at 08:43 AM

Originally posted by omega 24 v6
I know a guy that stays next door to a church. First week after he moved in someone boxed his drive off at morning service. Bold as brass he walked in and right up to the minister and gave chapter and verse along with the reg no and asked for it to be moved immediately. It was never a problem again.
As the others have said I wouldn't go to far if your not in the vicinity. You could however let down all of the tyres and leave a note on the window saying you "NOTICED" the tyres were flat when you "TRIED" to get your car out of the garage if you need a habd to inflate them call me on ****** etc. as I'd be willing to help you reinflate them using the compressor in the garage that your blocking.

pmsl thats a good one

flak monkey - 13/5/07 at 10:15 AM

Originally posted by graememk
expanding aerosol insulation foam in the rear silencer

Classic, works best on chav cars with 4" tail pipes. Would need a nice long nozzle though.

Indellible pen will easily come off with thinners or even spray deoderant, so its not all that permanent really, not as if you took a spray can to the car.

I would have sat and waited for them to come back and then had a few harsh words.

JamJah - 13/5/07 at 10:56 AM

Would someone still park there if you had a sign saying "Nitram Funeral Services. Access required 24/7"? hehe. if they did, i think you then close the door and wait for them to come back then start saying things like "its dark in here" and "help! i was only asleep!"
Other 'companies' you might want to use "Nitram Car breakers" "Nitram Towing and Clampers". Any other ideas?

nitram38 - 13/5/07 at 06:57 PM

I went out for the day.
When I was out I realised that the marker I used was waterbased so easy to clean, so no real damage/bother.
I had a long notice stuck to my garage saying that all I had to do was ask (the signs are not enough? ) and that I would recieve worse graffiti on my garage and I would have to pay for it.
Kept the threat notice and I did not write anything in return.
If anything does happen, she has put her name in the frame with the notice.
They are even in nice plastic folders, so I am sure that there is a fingerprint or two on them.
Nice to know I spoilt her Sunday after spoiling my ability to move my car in last night.
The car is moved which is a result.

[Edited on 13/5/2007 by nitram38]

trogdor - 14/5/07 at 08:59 AM

Its really annoying around our flats for parking as there would be plenty of space if people took the time and parked properly, instead at different angles etc. There is a real need to have white lines denoting the spaces.

also irratating is the people who park there cars then go to work over the road in car show rooms etc. next time i catch someone doing it i plan to park my ratty duct taped micra on their forecourt, pride of place and see if they like it.

nitram38 - 14/5/07 at 10:17 AM

The council rang me after my email and photo. They are going to get the estate manager to put stickers on the windscreen of any car that is parked outside my group of garages.
At least I won't be getting the abuse!